He takes a step back, letting his back hit the edge of his bed as he crosses his arms. He fights back the smirk that plays at his face, "I didn't know you hated my ex-boyfriend so much, George."

"He treated you like shit, anyone with eyes and a brain knows that," the brunet responds, but he breaks eye contact as his voice goes quiet. "I just didn't wanna see you get hurt again. I was just... trying to be a good friend. I'm sorry if you took that as anything else. I don't... I don't want to end this, us, whatever you wanna call it."

Dream can't help but bite back a smile, teasing, "You care about me. Just a little. You cared about me before we started talking, too, because you just admitted it."

"Dream, be serious," George rolls his eyes but he can tell the man is also trying not to laugh. "Yes, I care about you which is why I'm upset about you hooking up with Damien. Not... not any other reason."

"What other reason would there be?" his expression softens as he takes a step towards George. "What? Did you think I thought you liked me?"

Truth is, that's exactly what Dream thought, but he's not going to cue George into that. He thinks he's been embarrassed enough. He was foolish to think that the feelings would ever be mutual. That is exactly why this needs to end.

"No, you're smarter than that. We agreed this would be a no-feelings thing, I intend to uphold that." George scoffs, taking a step back as he tightens his body language. He's still hiding something, Dream can pick up that much. Still, now is not the time to pry, he's sure he'll find out eventually.

Dream leans back, giving the other his space. The mood falls between them and he knows he's going to have to put his foot down. His voice quiets as the words leave his lips with a certain finality to them. "I still think we need to end this, George. It's not... it's not going to end well, regardless."

"What makes you say that?" George scoffs, a smile of disbelief on his face as his eyes search Dream's for any sign that he's joking. The blond is deadly serious, though, and he intends to keep it that way. The Brit takes a step towards him, reaching out to put a hand on Dream's arm, but he brushes it off. "Dream? What's wrong? Is it really because of what I said at the party or...?"

He contemplates his words for a long time, but nothing seems to be able to convey what he wants to say well enough. So, instead asks, "Why... why did you say yes when I offered to teach you how to kiss? I mean, I barely even taught you anything, I pretty much just used it as an excuse to make out with you."

"I wasn't complaining," George shrugs off the second half of the sentence before he contemplates the original question. "I-I don't know. I think, I think a part of me had always wondered what it would be like to kiss boys. At some point, I had realized that wasn't something everyone thought about so I repressed it. I had never kissed anyone before because, well... I don't think I ever really had any interest in kissing girls. It took me a really long time to come to terms with that and I think I'm still working on it. Definitely still working on it. I think when you offered to teach me how to kiss, I think it was a way for me to kiss a boy without having to make it... a big thing. It was just... practice. There weren't any consequences. I... I think I was wrong about that part, though."

"What part?" Dream asks, his voice barely lifting above a whisper.

"The consequences," the response is a drawl, almost as if George is forcing it out of his mouth. He looks up as his eyes meet Dream's.

Dream can't help himself as he surges forward, connecting George's lips to his in a brutal kiss. The brunet kisses him back just as forcefully, his hands rushing up to grip the sides of his face, holding the two of them together as Dream's hands lock around the other's waist. He had been craving this, even though he knows it's an utterly horrible idea. He's trying to break up right now, and making out with the person you're dumping is probably not the best way to go about things. However, George is kissing him like he's gasping for air, letting Dream push him up against the side of the bed and take him apart. George bites his lip gently, causing him to gasp and open his mouth enough for the other's tongue to slide in. Dream bites back the smile as he realizes the man has picked up his tricks.

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