"What are you—"

"Shush, class is in session," Dream teases as he leans forward, catching George's lips with his. It seems to catch the brunet by surprise, which is exactly what he was hoping for as he pushes in harder than he did last time they kissed. Part of his mind wonders if George gets any enjoyment out of this or if it really is purely educational. Dream can't remember the last time he was romantically involved with anyone, so he would be lying if he said it wasn't a little nice getting to kiss someone again. Briefly, he contemplates the idea that this may be taking advantage of George, but then again, both of them could put a stop to this at any time.

However, it truly was really just beginning and he thinks both of them know that. George seems to have embraced his position on Dream's lap, letting his legs fall on either side of the chair as he holds on tightly to the blond's shoulder with one hand while the other fiddles with the hair at the nape of his neck. Dream has kept his hands on George's waist, using it as a vantage point for him to deepen the kiss. He brings a hand up to tug on the brunet's hair slightly, causing him to gasp enough for Dream to let his tongue slide between the other's lips. He won't lie, this is where he starts to understand the man's inexperience, but it's not the worst kiss he's ever had, not by a long shot. George's grip on Dream's hair tightens as the softest gasp passes between their lips. The little noise would be cute if this wasn't his literal roommate that he hardly knows, but life has been throwing Dream for a loop lately.

Dream forces himself to pull back for a breather; George chases after his lips for just a moment before he realizes. A small half-smile forms on the blond's lips as he whispers a quiet, "Good?"

George nods, understanding what he's trying to ask, "Yeah, yeah, I'm good."

"Okay, okay," he responds quietly before leaning in again. This time George is less shy and it's a nice change of pace. Dream lets his fingers tangle in the other's mess of dark hair, mainly as a way for him to keep control of his own actions. Part of him is just a little tempted to tug George's head back and begin peppering kisses down his neck, but that's a little more than they agreed to. Dream is not used to holding back when there's a pretty boy on his lap. Then again, those boys aren't usually straight boys who are just trying to learn how to kiss. It's definitely going to take some getting used to if this is going to be something they continue to do, which it's looking like it will. He can't treat George like some random hookup, no matter how tempted he is to attach his lips to the stretches of skin available to him.

He begins to lose himself in his mind and in the kiss, but it doesn't seem like George is complaining. In fact, he seems to lean into it just as much. It's all but a full-fledged makeout session and he thinks they're slowly crawling past educational territory. Then again, George is straight. If it's not educational, it's just fucking around without meaning. Nothing for either of them to really worry about.

Until George lets out the quietest of moans and oh. Oh no. Dream is but a man and George is on his lap and he has a problem. The last thing he wants is to make George uncomfortable, so he pulls away.

"Think you've got the hang of it?" he attempts to play it off with a casual smile as he tries to subtly push George off his lap and away from his... issue. He almost feels bad, but thankfully the other hasn't noticed yet.

George looks a little caught off guard, his lips kiss bitten and his hair messy, but he nods after a second, saying, "Uh, yeah, yeah, um, I meant to ask you earlier, but my friend Tina is throwing a little get together at her place off-campus if you... uh... wanted to come, I mean, wanted to attend the party."

He chokes on his own spit at George's choice of words, both of them far too flustered to not realize what's going on. Dream regains his composure and shakes his head, "Uh, I've got this paper to finish for poli-sci, thanks for the invite, though. Plus, game tomorrow. Are you coming to that, by the way?"

"Oh! Yeah, yeah, I remember Alex telling me about it, I think Wilbur and I were gonna go," George stumbles over his words slightly. Dream doesn't remember things being this awkward the last time they kissed. Then again, he didn't end up with a boner last time, but maybe that's his fault. He should have stopped after their first kiss, George seemed to get the hang of it rather quickly, but both of them had pushed for more.

He turns around in his chair and pulls his laptop open and George goes back to the bed and does the same. Out of the corner of his eye, though, he watches the brunet grab the forgotten pillow off the floor and pull it over his lap. Maybe he's overthinking things, but maybe he's not the only one who got a little bit more turned on than they were planning. He's not one to assume anything, but for someone who claims to be straight, it is definitely interesting. It's also absolutely none of his business.

Dream is content to sit in silence for a moment, thinking of things that will hopefully make his problem go away, but instead, he lets himself shift glances over to the boy on his bed. He lets his mind wander to what would happen if he ever got George in bed. Having him underneath him, showing him every step of the way. Littering that pale skin with hickeys and bruises that will last for days. This is dangerous. Not to mention, absolutely no help.

He sighs, texting the number in his phone he swore he wouldn't. The response is instant and he bites his lip in contemplation before he stands and nods to George, "I'm gonna grab some dinner, I'll be back in like an hour."

George nods, only half-looking at him, "All right. If I'm gone by then, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you," Dream offers a small smile before leaving the dorm. Hooking up with your ex is an absolutely horrendous idea, Dream realizes, but it's better than fantasizing about his straight roommate. He sighs, hoping a quick hookup will help him put a cork in whatever his brain is doing with George. He needs to put a stop to these thoughts and fast.

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