Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The annoying chime of my alarm clock burst into my slumber. I grumbled and slammed my hand on the snooze button and flopped my head back on my pillow. A million thoughts were racing through my mind, but only one was standing out.

Today was January 10th, 2012.

Exactly one year since Kingsley disappeared.

I slowly climbed out of bed and inhaled carefully, trying to subdue the tears forcing themselves up. I slung out of bed and trudged to the mirror. I sighed at my gaunt body, grabbed my hair and quickly twisted it into a messy braid. I rummaged around the box-like room and found an oversized gray sweater. Sliding on a pair of black cotton leggings, I swiftly brushed on some powder and blush. I swept some bronzer onto my already angular cheekbones. I glanced around the room at the piles of clothes scattered about. I never cleaned up. Being depressed does makes you too tired to do anything. Felix said I needed to get over my depression since its already been a year. But I just can't. Every spot in this god damn house shares a memory of Kingsley. I should have moved out the first chance I got but I don't even have a job. And now I wouldn't even be able to try and get one. What with college and all.

I slung the aluminum door open and found the loft of the apartment surprisingly clean. Minus the Camden and Felix's suitcases. Shuffling to the kitchen, I found nothing in the barren cupboards. I sighed out loud and slammed the door shut and found some bread in a plastic bag on the counter. I shrugged and grabbed a slice, sticking it in my mouth as I ventured to the fridge. I opened it to find it just as bare as the rest of the kitchen. Except for a can of Sprite in the far back. I grabbed it and backed out of the fridge, kicking it closed with my foot. I quickly opened the can and took a sip. I closed my eyes and smiled as the cold drink washed down my dry throat. It burned. But it was a good burn. A refreshing burn. I went to take another drink when I heard laughter explode from the back of the apartment. I froze, can mid air to my mouth as Camden and Felix waltzed into the loft, all smiles.

In their boxers.

With no shirts.

I coughed and took a sip of my lemony lime soda and placed my elbows on the counter and placed my chin on the heels of my hands. They both looked at me. As if processing what was going on.


I was trying to process as to why I found my brothers perfectly sculpted torso and arms attractive.

I felt the heat creeping up my cheeks and quickly turned away, taking a bite of my bread.

"Hey sis." Felix purred. I nodded at them and Camden's face grew red as he stood awkwardly in the living room. Felix whistled his way into the kitchen and began to pull out pots and pans. In the year that I have been living here, I did not know we had pots and pans. I'd been ordering takeout all this time.

"Want anything before you leave?" Felix asked nonchalantly. I held up my soda can and shook my head. I glanced over at Camden and let out a heavy sigh. He was just standing there. Looking like a lost dog.

"For fucks sake." I breathed. I marched into my room and pulled a random hoodie out of a pile and walked back into the loft.

"This is your apartment. Don't be such a dunce." I said throwing the hoodie at him. He caught it and smiled at me. He began putting it on and Felix looked up from his concoction he was making at the stove.

"No use putting that on Cam. Everything will be coming off after we eat." Red crept up Camden's ears and I choked on my soda. Slamming the can down I grabbed my leather jacket, bag and boots and quickly left the apartment. I held my head for a second as I let the mental image of seeing my brother getting it from behind. Or would he be the on giving it from behind. They both seemed like dominate men. Although I wonder who would be on to- Oh god. Why am I thinking about this? I grunted in frustration and pushed back some stray hair with my shaky hands. I slid on my combat boots and the leather jacket. I checked to see if my key and wallet were in my bag before slinging it across my chest and adjusting the strap. Just another day in the life of boring lonley ol' Penelope.

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