ch: 3- waterworks.

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You were working, cleaning up messes, playing games, making drinks, y'know the usual.
When all of a sudden, you see two kids: one of which was a cup, the other a mug-. They started betting and winning, "Golly Gee-! These fellas can't lose!'." Exclaimed dice, a crack in his voice shivved through.

All of a sudden, BOOM! BAAAAM! WOOSH! STOMP!- yeah my impression of the devil walking is A-MA-ZING!, Anyway. The devil joined in, "good work boys!' but I have a deal~..IF you win against me, I will give you my casino, and all of the money inside it.if you lose.. I get ya's souls. Deal?", The devil offered. The cup headed kid being the dumb fuck he is, now I haven't been here THAT long but,- even I'd know not accept that, and without a doubt- "BOOM! SNAKE EYES! AHAHA!" The devil roared cocky as fuck.

Idiotic children begged and pleaded for there lives. And eh- it...- somehow worked...?..well not really, they gotta collect souls n' shit, but eh, if I were them..I'd be happy to accept.

Anyway they left or whateva'..but dice..he still looked...uhmm..'sad?'..
He walked away, with no expression on his face.
I quickly followed but eh- he seen me- "why the fuck are ya' followin' me?". He lashed out growling under his breath.

"N-Nothing sir!- i-i just-" I stopped, I seen a tear roll down his purple brushed cheek.
Jeez he must be upset, before I could say a thing, BAM!.

He shut the door in my face..-

oh well, though i couldnt do much about it, i sighed and lookedaway with a sad expression. he just.. walked off!? how was i supposed to feel?.
though i didnt know what to do exactly, i walkedalong with the mysterious dice man, making sure that he didn't know that i was following him. i knew if he knew that, he'd fuckin' kill ne. so i krept along side him. he sniffled and rubbed his eyes, and i did feel bad. thou one cannot comfort a man who didn't want to be comforted, so i let him be. [even i felt bad, i couldn't do much about it.]

as the door slowly creaked open, i watched closely. he sighed and leaned on his make up stand. his mascara taining his white, purple flushed cheeks. im not quite sure why, or how he was like this. and frankly, i wasn't planningon asking him on how this ended up happening to him. he wiped hs face with a makeup wipe, and sighed as he sat down on his chair, and cracked his neck as let out a sigh of relief. he looked around his surroundings. ''why me..?'' the dice muttered as he looked to the ground, looking to his shiny purple and white loafers [a type of shoe]. tears streamed down his face. it was odd enough to see bhim like this,but you decided to keep staying quiet. as you shut his door: it made an loud type of noise, and he jolted his head to look at you. he quickly stood up as you ran off.

''Hey!! who's there?!..'' he yelled as you panted heavily, as you were exaughsted from running. guess growing with people smoking aroun you, really fucked you up, huh? oh well. anywhom. he shook his head and sighed as he re-entered his room.

(Sorry for the short chapter I'm relaxing rn cuz my birthday is rlly close so yeahh lmaooo
Art by urs truly.

(Sorry for the short chapter I'm relaxing rn cuz my birthday is rlly close so yeahh lmaoooArt by urs truly

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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