Chapter Fourteen The Call

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                I woke up feeling a light shining in my eyes, a familiar feeling coming back to me. I was in the nurse's office. Wait, has she seen my legs? What if she saw them? I started to feel myself start to panic. Just then I felt a hand start to brush my hair away from my face. Smoothly push my hair back in a comforting manner. I look up to see the face of the person only to be met with my soulmate Seokjin. My face goes bright red. Seokjin then starts talking to me. "Everything is going to be alright Y/N, you're safe. Me and Hoseok found you right before you passed out. Do you remember anything? If you do, you can tell me what's wrong. I promise I'll listen." Seokjin was talking so fast that it was hard to keep up with all of what he was saying. It felt like he was rapping at me and I was never very good at understanding what rappers were saying. I just look at him wondering if he would stop or slow down. He seemed to realize what my eyes were saying but before he could say anything the door burst open and in came the rest of my soulmates and Yang Yang, Shaung, Aria, Alice. The girls went up to me pushing Seokjin out of the way. He didn't look happy about it but did nothing to stop it. Just look disappointed and walk closer to our other soulmates who were all looking at me with worry.

                 Aria was the first to start talking. "Y/N oh my gosh are you ok. We heard Jimin talking on the phone saying that they found you hurt and that you were in the nurse's office." I glanced at Jimin and he gave me a small nod then looked at our soulmate as they were glaring at him. Not really sure why though.

                   I  looked back and the girls and in the smallest voice said "I'm ok." Just then I felt someone grab my hand on the other side of the bed close to the wall. I look over to see Taehyung squished up against the wall and I mean squished because this bed is almost touching the wall. He gives me a small smile as his eyes shine with happiness with tints of worry. I wonder when I was able to read his eyes so well but that's just what I felt I saw. I go to move my hand away from him but he squeezes it tighter keeping it in his grip giving me no way to get away.

              Just then another voice said "Wow, you must really love the young lady. There are so many people here. How are you feeling now that you have woken up." the nurse says as she enters the room we have to weave her way through people to me.

              "I whisper to her " I feel fine, just a little dizzy and my head hurts a little." I feel Taehyung's hand tighten its grip at that.

                "Well that's pretty normal after fainting. But I think you should lay a little longer before getting up. But what I will ask is for all of you guys to leave for a little. I would like to miss Y/N alone." Why does she need to talk to me alone? Did I do something ,did she see? What do I say if she did. I feel myself start to tremble.

             Just then I hear Jungkook's voice. "Why do we have to leave if it is about her health we deserve to know."

                "Oh, and why is that young because if I know right you guys are not her family" the nurse says look at him.

              "We have a right to know because she's our."

              "Stop!" I cut him off before he can say anything else.

              "Y/N" he says quietly.

                "Get out now, please." I say a little louder than I wanted but what if she does know I don't want them to pity me. I feel the tears ready to spill but I hold them in.

              "But Y/N" this time it is Namjoon speak. "Would it be better to have someone here in case it's something bad. Then we can help."

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