Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

    Seeing Ye Qian walking over with a gloomy face, everyone subconsciously made way for a passage, while Wang Zeya also rushed over from other places.

    The classmates who came to call someone on the way also told Ye Qian the whole story. The two classmates were both children from ordinary families. They were very excited when they heard today's rewards, so they all picked up the garbage with all their strength. After the areas were divided, everyone started to work.

    Unexpectedly, the security department and the network department are very close, and there is more garbage piled here, and the two departments are getting closer and closer. At first, they were afraid of the threat of being delisted, but slowly, the two started arguing because they picked up the same garbage at the same time, so they quarreled naively.

    The two started talking and exposing each other's old stories. When they got angry, they started fighting.

    When Ye Qian came, the two were still fighting together. The others wanted to step forward to pull them away, but because they had long pliers in their hands, they wanted to step forward but were afraid.

    "What are you doing!" Ye Qian stopped in front of them and roared in a low voice.

    She really didn't expect that someone would dare to violate her three applications and five orders!

    The two who were fighting together heard Ye Qian's voice and suddenly came to their senses. The two stopped tacitly, lying on the ground and looking at Ye Qian in horror, and seeing the anxious expressions of the others from the corner of their eyes, they all thumped in their hearts. Looking at each other, seeing the scar on the other's face, he turned his head away and remained silent.

    "Get up and talk about what's going on." Ye Qian crossed her arms and asked indifferently. She already understood almost everything, but she still wanted to hear what they had to say.

    The two stood up in embarrassment, patted the sand on their bodies, and looked at Ye Qian cautiously, with an uneasy expression, "Qian, sister Qian."

    Ye Qian raised her chin and said coldly, "Speak."

    Others People didn't pay much attention to the fun, and took this opportunity to quickly turn around to pick up the trash, but their ears pricked up and their eyes looking over from time to time revealed their curious minds.

    The tall boy looked at Ye Qian's frosty face, and when he thought of her removal without mercy at all, he couldn't help shrinking, and tremblingly explained the cause and effect.

    "...Sister Qian, I was wrong, I shouldn't argue with him, I just want to..." He said at a loss with red eyes and tears in his eyes.

    This is not much different from what Ye Qian understood. He didn't lie. Ye Qian nodded, ignoring his plea, and looked at the other boy, "How about you?" The

    shorter boy also said tremblingly, saying the same The tall boy was about the same, perhaps realizing that it was useless to plead for mercy, and after he finished speaking, he closed his eyes with a pale face and waited for the trial.

    Ye Qian watched the two of them quietly, the quiet atmosphere slowly spread out, and soon, the surrounding classmates were slower to pick up the trash.

    Wang Zeya stood aside and looked at the two boys indifferently. He had already reminded them many times, but they insisted on breaking the rules.

(MTL)I made a fortune picking up trashWhere stories live. Discover now