I felt pity. 

He had smooth talked to me. Apologized to me. I was worried he'd ask me to help him get out of jail, but he didn't and for that I was thankful. 

After that visit, I had finally gained what I've been looking for since years. A closure. Closure which finally would help me move on from everything related to a past, I always tried to run away from. Anirudh had gone through our family property and had told me that my mother had separate property on her name, which she had already, passed on to my name. My father or mother, never really told me that, and I had thought that all her property was going to be passed to my father. 

But that wasn't the case. So at least now, I wasn't penny less. 

Anirudh had also done some extra digging, which wasn't totally legal, but that his way of working so who was I to question ? Especially not when Kabir asked me to just trust him, and he found out why my father went to jail. Turned out it was money laundering. 

That weekend I was so thankful Kabir was in Delhi, because even though the issue of him going to jail wasn't the reason I felt so broken, yet I felt lonely, and I had cried about everything that hurt, and then I had cried about loving Kabir so much, and then cried more about being thankful that I found him. 

He just held me close that night, kissing my tears away, and whispering soothing words in my ear. 

Another thing related to jail was Vicky. It didn't even take  much for us to show him the walls of prison. I had asked uncle and aunty, even Kabir to just forget about the incident and move on, since I didn't want one of their family members to be in jail because of me. 

Kabir had obviously shut me up by a glare. And uncle-aunty had looked at me like I was ridiculous. They said I was family more than Vicky or Maami Jii will ever be. 

I had also shed a tear or two. 

Amidst all that chaos, I had gotten placed. Of course since I had put Bangalore as my first preference, I got the job here. 

When I told Kabir over a video chat, he had looked at me for some seconds like he was trying to figure out if I was bluffing, but when he had realized I was serious, he had shaken his head taking his face in his hands, and then had looked at me with such a large smile, it felt like the biggest reward for my hard work. Even bigger than getting a job with a good package. 

So, here I was. My first day in Bangalore. I was starting work from next week. And Kabir had already finalized a place for me, on rent. It wasn't big, but from what I saw in pictures, it was cozy enough. 

And another reasoning of Kabir's was, that I shouldn't get much attached to where I live, since in less than a year, I'll have to move in with him. When I had looked at him funny, he had said that he wasn't gonna wait a year to marry me. 

Since the second my eyes had landed on him at the airport, I was waiting to jump his arms and kiss him senseless. But I had to remember we live in India. 

So, now after 1 hour of driving, had we only got a chance. 

Kabir leaned his forehead down on mine, stroking my jaw with his thumb. 

"I'm not even gonna tell you, I missed you, cuz that wouldn't be enough to convey how much miserable I was" he said his eyes smiling, as he captured my lips with his. 

I sighed, my heart soaring to a rhythm that screamed love. 

When he pulled away, I smiled a beaming smile at him. "Happy Birthday" 

He chuckled. "How many times are you gonna wish me in a day ?" 

I shrugged. "It's your first birthday with me" 

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