(xxix) The Pogue Effect

Start from the beginning

Moments later, John B came barging out of the store with half a hot dog stuffed in his mouth and many others in his hands awaiting to be devoured. He was rambling about how the meat was vegan and Sarah had quickly attempted to shut him up before the couple noticed, but failed miserably to do so. The man caught sight of him from across the street, calling out angrily, yelling for the teenage thieves before breaking into a sprint after them.

Of course, they couldn't catch a break. Blair grabbed a tank as John B grabbed the other, mouth still full, and they followed Sarah down the street and away from the upright lunatic who'd probably string them up for what they had stolen. Every step was agony and Blair had nothing but her heavy breathing to show for it. Sarah's hand was pressed to her wound whereas Blair was holding onto her bruised (possibly broken) ribs for dear life.

They threw themselves against the concrete as a mad driver swerved past them, but Blair's mouth had fell open in recognition as she pointed at the car. "That's Heyward's truck!" she exclaimed, eyes wide, breath heavy. "Come on!"

And they had resumed their endless run, with the man chasing them like a cat would mice. They were trying to follow the truck, hoping they'd encounter a familiar face somewhere at the intersection. They didn't know what Heyward would be doing there or why he'd be so pressed, but they couldn't wait to find out. It was only when they had caught sight of three familiar teenagers jumping a wall that they realized what exactly was going on and who exactly they'd be reuniting with within minutes.

They yelled out for them, but JJ, Kie and Pope did not hear them. Blair's hand slapped over her head, feeling as though someone stole the air from her lungs. He was here. John B, noticing her shock, grabbed her by the arms and helped her up the carriage of a bike he quickly began to pedal, following them while simultaneously running from the man. Rich folk knew no manners, but that was no surprise. The bike owner had begun chasing them too, and now they were two. It felt as though the world would end somehow.

Sarah was yelling for their friends; Blair was trying to steady her breathing. She couldn't even begin to imagine how they'd react at the sight. She wondered if the blonde boy had changed since she last saw him or if he was still the exact same. She wondered if he'd be happy to see her, of if he'd angrily dismiss her.

It was only when they came to an abrupt spot that she could breathe again. Everything seemed to have slowed, from the wind to the cicadas chirping on the street side. Her jaw fell open, hand reaching out to grab Sarah's as the corners of her lips tugged upwards in the brightest smile she had ever offered anyone in her lifetime. There they stood, there he stood, right in front of them, mirroring their unconditional shock. And, all of a sudden, she didn't feel the urge to take another pill or light a cigarette. She wanted to jump out of the carriage and into his arms, burying her face into his shoulder. She wanted to feel him so close that they merged into one. She wanted to kiss Pope's forehead and hug Kiara until their bones were mush. Blair had found her sanity running around in the streets of Charleston and she couldn't be more grateful for the town, in the end.

But their moment of happiness didn't last forever. Both groups were running from someone and the threat still hadn't vanished. John B urged them into the carriage and the first thing Kie did as she climbed into it was wrap her arms around Blair like it was the only thing she needed in the world. JJ and Pope had taken the responsibility to push them from behind, barely holding on, as John B struggled to pedal faster. Pope tumbled and fell just as JJ made his way onto the carriage, but managed to quickly get up and grab ahold of Kie and Blair's hands as they all made it safely away.

They were yelling and cheering and whistling, cursing the world and thanking it all at once. The teenagers lived in bliss, wrapping their arms around each other and crying out from their incessant laughter. Pope had kissed Blair's temple loudly, and she threw her arms up in the air victoriously. Then Sarah slid out of her seat, stood in the corner, and watched as JJ pulled her into his arms so violently that her shirt almost ripped apart in his hands. They kissed and laughed and laughed again. They wouldn't let go of each other even when the bike and carriage came to a stop by the boat. Their arms were intertwined, hands holding onto the fabric of each other's shirts, dimples carved into their faces like one would a heart in a wooden, park-side bench.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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