Chapter 2: A Perplexing Raw Deal

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After the little fiasco, Briar and the others continue to wait in line as they buy their lunch. Of course, Birar already has to pay for Grim's as well.

Grim happily cheers, "Ha! Guess who scored the last deluxe grilled cheese sandwich? This guy. That's why they call me Grim the Great! Myahahaha! I also snagged a bear claw AND a cronut!"

Deuce sternly says, "Grim, you need to learn some restraint!"

Then turns to Briar and the others, "I'm really sorry, guys."

Suddenly, Ace walks over and calls out, "Yo, Pops, gimme one of those roast beef sandwiches."

"Hey! You're cutting in line too!" Deuce angrily scolds.

Briar sighs and says, "Come on, let's go grab lunch and find a table."

Deuce sighs and says, Alright.

And so, the group of friends buy their lunches and soon find a table for them to sit. Meanwhile, Ruggie arrives to see he's a little late.

Ruggie notices the sign that many foods are sold out, "Rats. Looks like I'm late for the monthly bakery battle royale. And now they're sold out of the grilled cheese Leona sent me to buy for him."

Ruggie then hears Grim's voice, "Myahahaha! I'm gonna savor the flavor of this victory!"

Ruggie turns to see that Grim has the deluxe cheese sandwich. Ruggie smirks and walks over. Trinket sighs to see Grim getting all crazy about food.

Just then, Ruggie steps forward and says with a grin on his face, "Pardon me, friend. I see you were able to get your hands on the highly-prized deluxe cheese sandwich. Incredible!"

"Hm? Who're you and whaddaya want with my meat?" Grim questions.

"Oh, I'm just a guy who really, really wanted to buy that sandwich you've got there, but arrived a smidge too late. Speaking of which, here's a proposition for you..." Ruggie says.

Then brings out a hot dog bun, "Might you be willing to trade your deluxe grilled cheese for this very exciting hot dog bun?"

Grim cries out, "Whaaat?! You must be outta your mind, dude!"

"Oh, come now. Let's not be like that. Here, have the hot dog bun. I insist," Ruggie says.

And brings his hand forward with the hog dog bun.

Suddenly, Grim feels bunny and his paw lifts up with his sandwich out of nowhere.

Grim panics, "Myah? What in the name of tuna...?! My paws are movin' on their own!"

Before anyone can process what's happening, Grim ends up switching his deluxe grilled cheese sandwich for a hot dog bun. Now Ruggie has the sandwich and Grin has the hot dog bun.

"You're actually going to trade?! It doesn't even have a hot dog in it!" Briar asks, surprised.

Now Ruggie has the sandwich from Grim. Grim is very stunned after this that his sandwich is gone.

"Sounds like we have ourselves a deal! Shyeheehee!" Ruggie says with a grin. "What luck that I found a kind soul willing to trade. You enjoy that hot dog bun, I do hope you can find something to fill it with. Maybe a squirt of ketchup would imitate the real thing? Anyway, nice doing business with you. Toodles!"

Then walks off with the sandwich at hand.

Grim lets out a cry in despair, ""M... M... Myaaaaaaah! My deluxe grilled cheeeeeeese!"

Moments later, Grim is still sulking as he eats the hot dog bun, "Aw, maaan... *sniff* This is *munch* the worst day *munch* of my pathetic life!" And munches on the hot dog bun, "I can barely *munch* choke down my lunch!"

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