stick season // eddie munson

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You woke with a start. Groggy with deep sleep clouding your thoughts, it takes you a moment to realize that you weren't dreaming. It's not as though you typically dream anyways. Moving your insane amount of fluffy pillows out of the way, getting yourself to sit up, you try to figure out what woke you. Right as you are about to lay back down and chalk it up to restless sleep, you hear it.

A soft scratching. You think it's just coming from the tree right outside your bedroom window, until it stops. After listening to your own deep breathing for a moment, it starts again, followed by a gripping noise coming from your window.

Now you know it can't just be a branch hitting your windowpane. What on earth is that noise coming from? You grab a flashlight from your bedside table and muster up some courage before approaching the window. Gingerly, you open your sheer curtains, looking out. The brisk chill of the air hit the bottoms of your thighs. The big band tee shirt you wore to bed swallowed your frame, leaving the tiniest bit of your shorts peaking out from under it. Upon seeing nothing of concern, you decide to open the window and move the branch you suspect was making all the noise. The instant you do, you hear a whisper right below you.

"Y/n?" The figure gently touching your hand.

You jump, letting out a little scream, moving your gaze to the bottom of your window. "Eddie!?" Even in pitch black darkness, you couldn't miss your boyfriend's mess of black curls. Donning is signature jean vest and dark black leather jacket, ripped black jeans and black Converse with an added flannel over his worn Hellfire shirt.

"Hi sweetheart." He says bashfully, giving you his signature smirk before flicking his gaze down and then back up at you. "Give me a hand, will ya?"

You grab his large, ring clad hand, as he pulls himself through the window, less than gracefully. His foot gets caught in his own jacket and he tumbles into your room.

"Ed-!" You say in a hushed whisper, holding back a laugh. For a moment, you both hold your breaths, not daring to move a muscle, to ensure that his gymnastic stunt didn't wake up your dad. After what seemed like a month (but was more like two minutes), you both let out a collective sigh. Eddie swiftly gets up off the floor, his big brown eyes looking into yours.

The last few days, you hadn't been able to spend as much time with him as you typically would. Your dad had you on major lockdown after finding you sneaking out to meet up with Eddie last weekend at 4am. In the 7 months of your relationship, never had he pulled a stunt like this. Yeah, Eddie was impulsive, but climbing up a tree, into your room in the middle of the night? It seemed a tad out of character.

"Hey ba-"

You put a slender finger up to his lips, eyes widening with anxiety about how loud he was speaking. "Wha- What are you doing here?" You question in hushed tones. He looks down at your shirt, recognizing it immediately as his one of his favorite tees that you had apparently stolen. "I've been looking for this, you know." Playfully pinching the fabric off you and snapping it back.

You blush a deep shade of pink, knowing the gig is up. "Don't change the subject." His eyes turned down, he looked exhausted. He twisted the rings on his left hand, taking in a long breath before speaking.

"I couldn't sleep." He whispered, still playing with the rings. He lightly cleared his throat before speaking again. "And I jus- I don't know- I just wanted to see you. Needed to see you."

You gently put your hand on his face, getting him to look at you. "And you thought that the best option was to shimmy your way up a tree to my bedroom and enter that way?" Letting out an exacerbated but amused breath at the absurdity of it.

stick season // eddie munsonWhere stories live. Discover now