ch 4 - goodbyes

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with that mori left, he would pick me up in five days time.

five days, five days for me to mentally prepare izana for my departure. five days for me to make the most of my time in the orphanage.

five days until I can kill a person again.

I don't remember when it started, the killing. but I could remember it was when I was young. perhaps it my parents. or maybe the kids at school.

my first kill. I could remember it as clear as day.

it was a boy from school. he was a year older than me, he picked on me all the time I remember.

I remember hanging him from the top of the school building.

I remember the sweet feeling of him being gone from the world.

my second kill was my parents.

they were fighting, plates were being thrown, spoons, forks, and then finally a knife. straight into my arm.

I stood there silently as they continued arguing, completely unaware of my existence.

something snapped in me that day.

I don't remember what happened after that, except that I had killed them in cold blood.

I ran after that, for three years I continued doing my thing. killing killing and killing.

the only joy in my life would be the stories I read.

how I envied the characters in my books, how free they could be.

until someday my mind went blank.

I felt nothing.

I saw nothing.

killing became boring.

existing became a hassle.

and so i killed myself

i slit my wrist and let myself die

at the young age of 13 as well

now that i think back to it, i was quite the foolish child.

i might as well make the most of my time here.

"your getting adopted?"

izana stared at me with wide eyes.

i nodded, i didn't know what to say.

"... take care ok? i'll be gone in five days time," i tried to put a smile.

tears feel from izana's eyes.

"dont cry!!!" i said trying to get him to stop.

"do you hate me to? is that why you're leaving?"

i froze.

"...i don't hate you izana, this is just what fate had led us to..."

i wiped his tears before saying.

"you have to take care of yourself ok? take care of kakucho too, as well ad the kids here,"

"your like my little brother, even if we're not blood related."

he shook in my arms and cried out his tears.

4 more days.

i began to pack my stuff. i dont have much to pack anyways.

"is it true?" hoshi asked me, she was pne of the younger kids here.

"is it true that your leaving?"

i patted her hair.

"ill come back ok? " i said as i gave her a hug before ushering to go play with everyone else.

3 days.

"m/n-nii, me and izana are going to make a kingdom."

kakucho stood in front of me, tears threatening to fall.

"and when you come back you'll be the emperor ok?"

my eyes widened now that wasn't right, me emperor???

"...sure kaku-kun...."

2 days.

izana has been very clingy, so was the rest of the orphanage.

they would sleep with me every night, follow me around like lost puppies.

izana and kakucho especially.

they wouldn't leave me out of their sight.

final day.

"im ready misa-san," i spoke taking my small bag.

she came me a solemn smile before crouching to my level to give me a hug.

"be careful ok, m/n? the world is a dangerous place, if you ever need to come back here, if you ever need a place to escape from the world, come here alright," I hugged her back, is this what a parents, a mothers, love is supposed to feel like?

"ok misa-san, i promise I'll be safe," I said giving her my pinky which she gave hers.

I walked toward izana and kakucho and gave them a hug.

"be careful you to, alright? don't hold petty grudges, and don't come looking for me," they froze at my last words. I pulled away from them before finishing my sentence.

"I'll come looking for you, so stay safe ok?" I gave them a smile and they both burst into tears.

I turned around and walked to the door where mori stood waiting outside.

I didn't dare look back knowing I would burst into tears if I would. I had gotten surprisingly attached to this orphanage and the orphans that lived within it.

I closed the door and stood there for a moment and mori let me, surprisingly.

I let out a breathe before my old smile came back.

"lets get started shall we, mori?"

"yes, we shall."

im alive again, and this time my life won't be as boring as my last.


m/n: yo inso! what was up with that? why am I so emotional???

insomniac: well its needed for plot line purposes you brat!! I created you, so you'll do as I say!!

m/n:tch! stupid....

insomniac: *insert creepy smile* what did you say you brat??

izana while munching on some popcorn: rest in peace bro 

kakucho eating with izana: fly high


author is out! hope you enjoy these beginning parts, I'll have to re-read majority of BSD so it might take a while for the next chapter to update but until then read my other fanfics!


p.s. if you have a link to where I can read the bsd manga, pls put the link in the comments! I'm having trouble finding one

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