Getting to Know Each Other

Start from the beginning

As much as Maes wanted to sit with those of Teyvat, he wanted to make sure his hyung was okay. Because physically? He looks fine. But emotionally? He looked like a mess, which is clear as day on his hyung's face. If the wolf children sat there, it would cause unwanted tension since his hyung was probably with this black-haired man, judging from how the latter and the redhead woman looked at Lock fondly earlier like he's family.

Maes excused himself for a moment before running towards the Teyvat table that now had Cage and the whale royalty as new occupants. The wolf boy explained the situation to Cale over why he wanted to sit with Lock.

The redhead just huffed and reached out from the table to ruffle his hair, "You don't need to ask my permission for this. Just go spend time with your hyung."

Maes nodded with a smile before going back to his hyung.

Lock and Rosalyn stared at Cale as if they couldn't figure him out. His calm demeanor and the way he acted just now contradicted what they previously known about him. Choi Han just narrowed his eyes suspiciously and was worried and confused over how the wolf children could view the trash in such a positive way.

Lily stared in envy, gripping Basen's sleeve tightly. Cale never once patted her head like that before.

(But perhaps, Cale already did back in her earlier years, but she was too young to remember it.)

Meanwhile, those who sat at the Teyvat table introduced themselves to their new occupants.

"My name is Lumine, and this is Paimon, our emergency food."

"...What?" Cage and the whale royalty (plus Archie) stared at the blonde girl, unsure if they heard it right.

"It's just their inside joke." Taylor explained, chuckling as he remembered that he and Paseton had the same reaction back then.

"And that inside joke stopped being funny ages ago!" Paimon complained.

The brown-haired man greeted next, "I am Menogias, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"I am Shiki Taishou."

"My name is Endora."

"I'm On."

"And I'm Hong!"

"I am the great and mighty Raon Miru! Don't you forget it!"

"A dragon!?" Cage gasped, but not loud enough for anyone outside their table to hear it.

The ex-priestess and whales looked shocked to see a dragon among the colorful group. Said dragon was on Cale's lap, having just undone his invisibility. However, his form is currently underneath the table so no one has noticed his presence yet (except for the other hidden dragons in the room).

Raon huffed as he went back to cuddle with the kittens. Cale sighed softly as he patted the little dragon's back. Drawing chuckles from the other members of the table.

The blue-haired woman blinked wide-eyed before clearing her throat, gaining everyone's attention, "My name is Witira, future queen of the Whale Tribe. I thank you for taking care of my dongsaeng."

As part of the whale tribe, Witira had the urge to assert her dominance as the strongest of the beast people. The whales are very prideful that they will not back down even against a dragon. However, she felt that will only be rude of her in front of these people, who are from the other world.

"Wow, she's so pretty..." Paimon whispered to Lumine, though she was heard.

Witira smiled, "Thank you, little one."

"I am Shickler, king of the Whales. And this is my subordinate, Archie." The whale king introduced himself as he gestured to the quiet killer whale, "Again, as my daughter said, I cannot thank you enough for being there for my son when we were not."

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