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WARNING: R@p3 is in this story so if you have problems with it skip the (R)

Moons POV:

i woke up knowing i overslept so i got changed and swam as fast as i could downstairs

i saw everyone eating breakfast as i grabbed my food and ate outside in the garden.

i felt so scared since yesterday, he must hate me for what i did..

after i finished eating i saw another royal family pull up as they started swimming up to the doors, i knew who they were

i rushed inside to see they were inside.

"moony!~ what a nice surprise~" the princess said jumping into a hug.

"oh.. hello Lucy..." i said annoyed.

"father told me your father said we could come a week sooner!! now we can spend the whole week together~" she said as i grinned annoyed.


she grabbed me and swam me up to my room where she locked the door

"why are we here?" i asked as she stared at me.

"to play~" she said as i got scared.

"what!? no!" i yelled as she grinned.

"to late~" she said pinning me to my bed.

she started taking her top off as i kept telling her over and over to stop, but she wouldn't.

I tried pushing her off me but she was holding onto me too tight.

I was screaming as loud as I could for someone to hear me... no one did.

Suns POV

I was cleaning the royal hall as I heard screaming from the princes room.

I rushed down hopping he was in no danger, but when I opened the door I saw moon crying with the princess on top of him.

I grabbed my broom and shoved her off him grabbing moons hand and swimming out the door with him.


"What are you doing!?" he asked me.

"saving you from r@p3 thats what!!" I yelled as he was quiet.

he let go of my hand when we were safe and started crying

"what's wrong?" I asked confused.

"I thought you would hate me from what happened yesterday.. but you saved me...." he said as I smiled.

"moon.. I could never hate you... even if you plucked all the scales off my tail.." I said as he smiled hugging me.

"wait a second- can I show you something?" he said as I nodded.

he brought me to the top of the castle to a glowing beam of light the shoots from the top.

"these are the mating necklaces" he said as I glowed.

"theses necklaces are used for mating right?" I asked as he nodded.

"every couple has them in the kingdom, I'm getting mine after marriage, so I need to marry a girl or I won't get one" he said to me.

"wow! but why am I here?" I asked.

"well- I wanted to know if you would mate with me? would you be my mate sundry rise?.."


I'm gay

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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