Chapter 13: Block C

Start from the beginning

Goku Black said "That was" He felt his new energy as he was feeling a lot stronger than before. "This power.." He powers up as he has achieved a new form of super saiyan. Super Saiyan 4.

Vegeta said "It's not God ki

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Vegeta said "It's not God ki...I can feel his ki. Is this the next level of super saiyan.."

Goku said "Yes. Super Saiyan 4. His tail and his great ape were the key to his new form. There was a reason why he said he felt something powerful in his ape form that he could achieve."

Gohan said "Woah..he looks very different."

Goku Black looks at John as he walks towards him. Zamasu was in shocked but pleased by the results.

Zamasu said "My my. He's so powerful."

Goku Black said "Time to end this." He attacks John with ease as he begins to beat him down and then uses his Kamehameha but in full power to knock him out. Zamasu had to leave quick as the match was over.

Whis said "Goku Black wins. We will take a short break. The arena needs repairing after all." Goku Black walks towards his team still in his Super Saiyan 4 form.

Goku said "You were incredible!"

Goku Black said "Thanks.." His tail sways as he looks it. "I guess my tail was the key to this form. But that John person..he felt weird. Like something was controlling him..I have a suspicious someone is trying to takeout the competition in order to get what he wants.."

Vegeta said "Well whoever that person is. He won't beat the prince of all saiyans!"

●Hooded Warrior (Zamasu) vs Commander 5●

Whis said "Alright Commander 5 and the warrior of U6, Z!" Everyone looked as they see the hooded warrior who was Zamasu facing off against Commander 5.

Zamasu smirked as he then charged at Commander 5 as he beats him up as he sends him to the ground and does many ki blasts. He then brings out a ki sword and Commander 5 saw this and back away and sends smoke bombs to hide as Zamasu senses for his ki which was easy. Zamasu then kick Commander 5's gut and blast him a purple ki blast. Commander 5 was on the ground as Whis counted. Zamasu watched as he noticed he tried getting up but he couldn't. Whis finished the count. Zamasu won by count out. He leaves as Champa cheered.

Champa said "This mystery man is doing great!"

Beerus said "Wait brother. Do you even know his name?"

Champa said "Nope! But he was very excited to be part of the tournament! He  said he wanted a good time fighting! Haha! What a guy! He can fight!" Beerus looked at Zamasu who was hidden with the cloak on. Beerus felt some suspicious with the hooded man.

Beerus said "Hmm...he seems suspicious.." He muttered as the next match came up.

●King Sadala vs Commander 6●

King Sadala was walking to the arena and Commander 6 was heading to the arena as Whis told them to begin the fight but suddenly King Sadala just charged close to Commander 6 and inch punch his chest and chop his neck and Commander 6 was knocked out cold.

Whis said "Wow that was quick. Your winner King Sadala!"

Goku said "You know Vegeta. King Sadala seems like a strong saiyan. He is the strongest king in sadala."

Vegeta said "I know kakarot..though there's something off. He is very strong. But he needs a challenge."

Kale said "Congrats dad!" She hugged him as King Sadala smirked a little.

King Sadala said "Thanks sweetheart. I'm just being a strong dad. I am the king of sadala. Toughest in the universe."

Kale said "Yeah! I hope you can face me soon! I wanna battle you!"

King Sadala said "You will don't worry." The tournament of the first round ended as Whis has added the winners who won the 1st round.

Whis said "Congrats on the winners of today's 1st Round! Now Round 2 brackets will be made. So far here are the winners of each Block." He pulls out the winners names as everyone saw.

Winners of Block A

Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, Kale, Majin Laz

Winners of Block B

Goku, Pan, Goten, Broly, and Namekian Furgil

Winners of Block C

Jiren, Goku Black, Commander 4, King Sadala, Hooded Man (Zamasu)

Whis said "Alright the winners of each block will draw a number in this box. So pick a number!" He hands the box over to each competitor. They all draw their numbers as there were 15 pieces of papers with a number in there. "1-5 will fight in the 2nd round first, then 6-10, and then 11-15."

Goku said "Woah number 7!"

Vegeta said "Hmph number 6."

Goku Black looks at his number as it was number 14. Zamasu had number 2.

The rest of the competitors had their numbers drawn

Round 2

1. Commander 4
2. Hooded Man (Zamasu)
3. Furgil
4. King Sadala
5. Kale

6. Broly
7. Goku
8. Vegeta
9. Gohan
10. Piccolo

11. Jiren
12. Pan
13. Goten
14. Goku Black
15. Majin Laz

Whis said "Alright see you all on the fourth day!"


Zamasu mutters "Curses..I was really hoping to see my half counterpart to be against me..but I guess the final round will have to do...I will bring him back.."

Goku Black watched Jessi sleep in his bed as he smiles as he kissed her head and looks at the stars. His mind was crazy every since the tournament. He wants answers but right now he has to win. Just then the voice came back in his mind.

Voice said "Beware of your opponent..."

Goku Black said "What.." He grunts as he was already stressed enough from hearing this voice talking to him about some danger he doesn't know about. He went to lay next to Jessi and sleep as the night went by.

To be continued...

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