Reunited/Bridesmaid Dresses Pt2

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"Like this?" She turns the paper around to me, roughly drawing what I want.

"Yes, exactly." I say excitedly, they're putting exactly whats in my head, on paper.

"Okay, we'll bring the girls to back, get them measured and the dresses will be done in roughly two-three months if you need them to be done that quickly." Janice says.

"Oh, I have their measurements right here and take as long as possible, we still have time." I hand her the measurements and smile.

"Great. These will take a few months. Happy to help, thanks for coming in. Nice to meet you all, heres a few things we'll need you to fill out, just set them on the desk and you have a nice day." She hands me a sheet and stands to leave. I fill out the sheet, set it on the desk and head out with the girls. We're mobbed by a mixture of fans and paparazzi, which surprises me. We quickly move back to the car and leave, feeling bad we didn't meet anybody.


I turn on the TV in my hotel room and the first thing I see is a reporting talking about a Luke and I.

"Australian 5 Seconds Of Summer lead singer, Luke Hemmings and American Off Fire lead singer Haliee Rodes have had quite a time since June of last year when they got engaged. They've started a joint tour and are planning a wedding at the same time. Earlier today bride to be, Haliee, her sister Danielle- who's engaged to Michael Clifford of 5sos, friend Blair Healy- dating Calum Hood of 5sos and co-band member, Alexa Ashen- engaged to Ashton Irwin of 5sos leaving a bridal shop earlier in Australia. This is the second time Ms. Rodes- soon to be Mrs. Hemmings has been seen leaving a bridal shop, once in LA and now Luke's home town Australia. She was seen very happy inside, talking to a worker about dresses. Exiting not so happy to see a crowd, she left in quite a rush without making a scene. Luke Hemmings was seen today out with his fellow band members today around his local area, taking pictures with fans. The two love birds, Haliee and Luke were seen on the phone with each other today from lack of time together due to busy schedules from their tour. The two have said in multiple interviews that they hadn't seen each other or talked in person in about a week and a half. They will hopefully be reunited together soon so we can see more of our favorite couple." I roll my eyes.

Luke is staying with his family, I'm going over right this second to go stay with them for the next two days. I open the door and enter.

"Hello!" I say, setting my stuff down and taking off my shoes.

"Oh, Haliee! How are you dear? It's been quite a while. I know Luke has been missing you, he's been going on and on. He's sleeping upstairs." Liz tells me, giving me a hug.

"I'm great. How are you?" I ask.

"Oh just great, I'm so excited to see you both!" Liz tells me.

"Oh good! I'll go wake Luke up." I smile, taking my bags and walking up their stairs to Luke's room. I set my bags down and shut the door quietly behind me. Luke is cuddled up on his bed, passed out. Awe, he looks so precious. I snap a quick picture and climb right next to him. I run a hand through his hair and give him a kiss. He stirs slightly, but not enough to wake up.

"Luke." I whisper in his ear, kissing right underneath it. His eyelashes flutter open and turn to me.

"HALIEE!" He yells, eyes wide open now and quickly pulling me into his arms and kissing all over my face before kissing my lips. "I've missed you so much."

"I missed you so much." I tell Luke, him placing his forehead to mine and giving me another long kiss. "At least I get to wear your shirts almost every night. You don't even get anything."

Hired (L.H, Luke Hemmings)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora