"Proper Introduction"

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I woke up in Max's living room the next morning and I immediately saw Sadie looking at me.

Lucas - "Oh, good morning. You scared me."

Sadie - "Who are you?"

Lucas - "I'm Lucas. I'm a very close friend of your mom. We used to - "

Sadie - "Used to what?"

Lucas - "Never mind, it's nothing. We just hung out a lot. That's all."

Max - "Good morning!"

Sadie - "Mommy!"

Max - "How did you sleep last night?"

Sadie - "Good."

Max - "And you, how did you sleep?"

Lucas - "I slept good too. (Chuckle) I think I'm gonna hit the road and head back to Hawkins."

Max - "You're leaving already? You just got here."

Lucas - "Yeah, I know, it's just - After everything we been through, I - "

Max - "Lucas, just because we dated in the past, doesn't mean you get to feel awkward around me, especially when I have a daughter now. I'll always be your friend."

Lucas - "Okay."

We hugged.

Max - "Get home safe."

Lucas - "I will. It was nice meeting you, Sadie. You have an awesome mom."

Sadie - "Thank you, Lucas."

Lumax - Sadie Mayfield Where stories live. Discover now