CH 6

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"Oh see how big you two have grown" Renee smiled kissing both the twins cheeks
"You almost taller than me lilly" Charlie chuckled hugging the girl who laughed

Now before you ask , does Charlie and Renee have knowledge onto why their grandchildren have grown so big in a span of one year . The answer is no

Esmeray and Ophelia came up with an idea and told her parents that during their honeymoon the shorter woman unfortunately had a terrible 'miscarriage' which lead them to 'adopting' Reina and Reign . And truth be told every human family or friend of the shorter woman had all been told the same story including Bella's friends so they won't get any suspension

Charlie and Renee accepted the twins like they were their real grandchildren which technically they are but they stuck to the story

"You two go help Uncle Jaz and Em with the guest" Said Ophelia , the twins nodded taking off leaving the three adults

"Such beautiful kids" Renee smiled before hugging her oldest "I'm glad you have them" Ophelia smiled hugging her mother back

"You two go see Bella ill be outside" Ophelia told her parents who walked off to their youngest daughter

The light brunette sighed in content , her usual gold eyes now covered with green contacts scanned the wedding outside through the large window as guest filled the empty seats

She would never think her life would be like this , her being married , being a mother of two and being immortal was all surprising to her and now her younger sister is getting married . Everything seem to be perfect

Ophelia smoothed out her dress but before she could turn around and leave to great the guest , she felt a familiar presence behind her making her smile once she felt strong arms wrap around her waist

"What's got my beautiful wife so smiley" Ophelia chuckled leaning back into her embrace

"Everything seems so perfect . It feels like a dream sometimes" Esmeray hummed resting her chin on the shorter woman's head

"Well I can assure you all of this is reality" The light brunette turned in her arms looking up at her wife

"I'm glad I met you Ray" Esmeray smiled down at her lovingly

"I'm glad I met you too chèrie"

It was the reception and vampire guest were mingling with human guest , the shapeshifters stood far off in a corner due to the overwhelming amount of vampires that showed up to Bella and Edward's wedding though only a few came to Ophelia and Esmeray's . So to say the shapeshifters had trouble not bursting in their natural state

At the table where a large cake stood where Bella's friends Jessica , Angela , Mike and Eric

"Just thought it'd be bigger ya know" Said Jessica as she stared at the cake up and down "Totally" Agreed Eric

Ophelia who heard everything rolled her eyes subtly as she walked past them hoping they don't see her but unfortunately she was wrong

"Ophelia hey!" The shorter woman turned to see Mike smiling at her , she mentally groaned putting on a fake smile walking over to them

"Hey guys" Jessica gave the shorter woman a fake smile while Angela and Eric gave her genuine ones and ofcourse Mike being himself had a flirtatious smirk on his face

"Lia long time no see" Jessica said trying to break the awkward tension

"It's Ophelia" The light brunette smiled sarcastically finding it had to hide her dislike for the girl

Jessica forced out a laugh trying to hide her slight embarrassment "Ha yeah right Ophelia" she muttered awkwardly

"Soo how's life treating you I heard you got married with the cullen and you two have kids now" Mike stated with a smile but a blind person could notice the bitterness in his tone

Ophelia hummed raising her brow at the boy "Yes Esmeray and I are happily married with children. Problem?" The light brunette quipped as she took a sip of her 'red wine'

"I just .. you know don't you think it was a little to soon you know you could've explored your choices with dating and stuff..." The blonde boy laughed lightly yet Ophelia didn't find anything amusing

"Oh , and you thought I would want to take interest in you ? you are way to young and you're just not my type sorry " She fake sympathized before continuing "Now I have to find my wife you kids enjoy the party . Bye now" She gave them a ever so sweet smile before walking away

Mike stood there with a humiliating blush on his face with his three friends laughing at his expense

Ophelia's eyes immediately found her wife who sat over at the open bar as she walked over to her

"Poor boy is humiliated now" Esmeray said with a chuckle as Ophelia shrugged stepping between her legs

"He had it coming" The taller woman simply hummed placing her arm around her wife's waist

"Has Lilly told you about her dreams she's been having of this faceless girl" Said Esmeray

Ophelia nodded as the couple turned their eyes to their kids who were shoving cake in Emmett and Paul's faces

"Mmm-hmm , do you think it's one of you're friend's adopted daughter" Esmeray thought for a moment before slowly nodding

"I think so I mean when she mentioned her having brunette curly hair my first thought was her but we could wrong" The taller woman shrugged

"Well if it is her I think she'll be good for Reina" Smiled Ophelia as she nuzzled her body into the taller woman's arms

"Maybe you could be right"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now