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Anne looked at her Girlfriends as they looked out towards the sunset, their fingers interlocked, sitting comfortably on the picnic blanket, just looking out towards the orange-hued sky and pink fluffy clouds.

Anne took a silent sharp breath in before slowly releasing it, grabbing the ring box from her dress pocket, glancing at the two rings inside,

They were both gold, one ring had a large Malachite gem with smaller Aquamarine and Spinel stones neatly dotted around the band, the other was Identical, except the large crystal on top was Spinel, and it had Aquamarine and Malachite neatly dotted around the ring.

She quietly closed the box, glancing back at her Girlfriends, the Loves of her life, Anne quickly rearranged herself onto one knee with the ring box open, facing them before taking another deep breath in, Anne nervously muttered out, "Sasha? Marcy?"

"Yes?" They both said as they turned around, when the two saw Anne on one knee with the ring box, they immediately covered their mouths, Marcy's eyes quickly going from the box to Anne's eyes, to Sasha's eyes, then repeated, Sasha just stared at the box as tears piercing her eyes.

"Do you guys wanna get Married?"

Marcy immediately tackled Anne, "YES!" she screamed, Sasha giggled at Anne's attempt to keep the rings safe, Sasha quickly joined the pile, happily smiling with big tears in her eyes, "I would love to Marry you two."

Anne let out a sigh of relief, letting her head release onto the picnic blanket beneath her as her Fiancé's stayed on top of her, "Thank God!"

Marcy and Sasha laughed in return, both kissing Anne's face restlessly, Anne happily giggling the entire time.

Published :
December, 7th, 2022.

Word Count :

The Perfect Wedding |A Sashannarcy One-Shot|Where stories live. Discover now