The meetings

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"Mommy wake up" I heard as someone say as they shook me. I rolled over and I grabbed onto Leo. He giggled as I tickled him. "Why is my little prince waking me up at 7:30 in the morning ?" I told him with a grin. "Daddy said to wake you up so we can have breakfast together." Leo said as he got of the bed."well come on mommy. I'm hungry" I just noticed he is pretty smart for a three year old. "lets go eat. race ?'' I asked him with a wicked smile. He didn't even answer me, He just took of running. "hey that's cheating" I yelled as I raced after him. He ran past my room and the door open. "catch me if you can mommy." He said as he slid down the secret slide the girls and I put there when we first come over here. We were nine. "Leo that's soo cheating." I told him as i slid down the banister. He giggled as he ran through the kitchen door. I walked the rest of the way accepting a shameful defeat. The closer I got to kitchen door, the more I smelled eggs, bacon, and pancakes. I finally walked in to see Nik putting the last cooked pancake on the kitchen Island. "Bon appétit My love." I hear Nik say as I sit down. Nik grabbed some books and put it on a chair for Leo. He then picked Leo up and put him on them. "Now both my prince and my queen are eating together." He said as he grabbed three plates and settled them on the table. Once he got out eating utensils he sat down next to me.

"Who knew you can cook." I told him as i served Leo's plate first. "I took secret lessons so when I met my mate I can make her breakfast and sometimes breakfast in bed." He said as he served himself. I nodded and served myself slowly. I heard the girls running to us. I sighed knowing the perfectly peace and quiet was going to be going to be gone any second now. "When will we announce Leo ?" I asked him as the girl barge in through the door. Their eyes instantly landed on Leo. They awed loudly. "Who is he? He is sooooo adorable." Awilda said as she sat on the other side of the island. The other girls followed suit and sat down on each side of her. "You'll find out with the rest of the pack tonight. Dress casual yet formal." Nik said as he finished his food. He got up and helped Leo of the table. "don't forget about the meetings you three set up with the alphas. See you when you get back." He told me then kissed my forehead. Leo gave me a kiss on the cheek and then left with Nik. "Umm soo what happened while we slept?" Vanessa asked as she filled her plate with food. "Nothing that important. Now Im going to go shower. Please don't be late to your meetings. I have one in an hour with my brother. Awilda you have a meeting with Alpha Wilson and Vanessa you have a meeting with Alpha Connor. After that come home and relax until 1:00, we will then meet up with Alpha Joseph." I told them as I cleared my side of the table. The girls nodded. "Marcy will take care of Leo while I go to the meetings and Nikkolai attends to his job. And girls go talk to your mates." I said to them. They once again nodded their heads. I nod once and leave.

As I head for my room I feel two small arms wrapped themselves around my right leg. I look down and find Leo looking excited. "Hey there bud. What's got you so happy ?" I asked him as I untangled him and walk ahead while holding his hand. "Daddy said I'll be able to hang with you and him tomorrow and tonight we get to sleep in your room. Oh and also that we are going shopping at 2:30 today." He said while cheesing. Oh no I'm going to be in a meeting. "Leo, you remember how I told you that since I'm to be future Luna I will have a lot of work to handle ?" He nodded "Well I have a meeting at 2:15. but tell you what, as soon as I get out of the meeting I'll go to the mall okay ?" I told him as we reached my room. He nodded. "you want to come meet my brother ?" I told him. I opened my room door and headed straight for my closet. "Yes." Leo said. He walked into my closet and looked in. "wow mommy that's a lot of clothes." He said as he touched my feathered dress that I got when I was 10. "Yea I know. I actually have to pack some up." I told as I grabbed a v-neck cut out bra crop bustier corset top, light jeans, a tan leather jacket, and a pair red dolce vita suede platform pumps. I turned to Leo. "You're not going to throw them away right ?" Leo said as he picked up one of my dresses. He felt the material and giggled. I smiled. " No. I'm just going to put them away to make room for clothes that will fit me now." I told him as I walked out with my clothes in hand. He followed me out. "I'm going to change real quick since I showered really late last night." Leo understood what i was saying and sat down on the bed. I walked into my bathroom to find it a mess. I shook my head in disappointment. I cleaned up some of the mess and then started getting ready.

When I walked out I noticed someone brought Leo some clothes. He was holding them and looking around. "Hey who brought you clothes ?" I asked as I started applying light eye make up. "I think she said that the current Luna sent her here to bring me clothes. She said she'll shower me but i said I'll wait for the future Luna instead since you said i can only call you mommy in secret until we explain to the pack our situation." He told me with a bright smile. I laughed as I looked at him through the mirror. " You know for a three year old you are pretty smart aren't you." I told him as i applied my red lipstick. "My wolf tends to help me out through most of it. He helps me understand a lot of the things i don't understand." He told me as he got off the bed and picked up the clothes and stood next to me. I took my jacket and heels off and took the clothes from him and walked into the bathroom. Once in the bathroom I opened a small closet filled with clean fluffy and soft towels. I took two towels and headed for my bathtub and filled it up halfway. " I'll be back real quick okay ?" I told him, he nodded and sat down to wait. I left my room and walked to Niks room. once i got there I walked into his bathroom to see him getting out. He looked up and smiled. "Can i help you ?" He said while he wrapped a towel around his waist. "can i get your body wash so I can clean Leo up." I told him while skillfully hiding my blushing face. He nodded and grabbed the coconut smelling one "Can I have a kiss first?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and pecked his cheek, grabbed the body wash and dashed out the door. I can hear him complaining and his yelling about how he'll get me back eventually.

I made it to my room safe and sound. I walked into my bathroom and looked at Leo, He was looking down at the big white shirt with a grimace. "Okay are you ready ?" I asked him as i put body wash on the side of the tub. He smiled so big it was adorable. "Yes mommy." He said as he stood up. I took off the shirt and threw it in the dirty hamper. I helped him into the bathtub and sat down. i grabbed a small towel and put Niks body wash and started with his back and gently washed it. "So Leo tell me about you a little." I tell him as poured some water on his back and washed off the soap. "Well what do you want to know about me mommy ?" He said as he played with the rubber duckies I have there. "Well what's your favorite color ? i have more than one." I tell him and grabbed my shampoo and poured a little bit on my hand and started washing his hair. "I like royal blue and silver. what colors do you like mommy ?" I asked me and closed his eyes. I giggle and let the water sink and grab my shower head and wash off the shampoo and answered him. "well i like almost all shades of green, i like all shades of purple, gold, silver and especially royal blue and baby blue." He laughs a little wipes his face a bit and looked up at me. "we have two colors in common mommy." he tells me as i put conditioner on his hair. "Yes we do. When's your birthday Leo?" I ask. I want to put his real birthday on his birth certificate. "My birthday is December 30th. When's your birthday mommy ?" He asked as I rinsed of the conditioner. "Mine is August 26. It passed 2 weeks ago. " I told him and wrapped his little body in the warm and fluffy towels.  

  After I dressed him we head out to the parlor and see everyone ready to go. "Marcy I'll be taking Leo with me instead, But I heard the pups will be back today so why don't you go start preparing for them." I tell Marcy. She nods and heads to the kitchen. I'm guessing the Luna is there issuing orders also. "Alright girls let's make these meeting successful." I tell them and grab my car keys and purse and head over to my Dodge Charger. " Oh wait. I need a car seat for you Leo." I say and start to head back. "I knew you would forget something like this." I heard Nik say. I look up and see him setting the car seat and Leo in the car. "My dad said he'll take care of business of here and that I should go with you." He says and holds his hand out. "what do you want? My car keys? funny. no" I tell him and get i my car and wait for him to get in. He sighs frustrated and gets in the passenger seat and I pull out of the driveway.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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