Chapter # 11

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"How sad was when we drifted apart..." The man ran a hand through his raven hair.
(Name) narrowed her eyes, "More like you deceived my trust."

"No, sweetheart, you refused to see the bigger picture." He sighed, "we could've been so happy together if it wasn't for that bastard of a cousin..."

"Don't you dare utter anything foul about Haqir!"

"Too bad you'll be meeting him soon," drawing his weapon the man sprinted towards her.

Before he can even touch her, he was punched in the gut, "I don't appreciate people ignoring me." The man named Aahan was thrown to the other side of the room.

Gojo with the speed of light punched the man square in the jaw, "man, you are no competition," Gojo tched in disappointment, pulling the man by his raven locks.

"(Name), should I end this man's existence?"
The man who was supporting a few broken bones laughed, "so, you are the new boy-toy of hers? Huh, must have known that." He tauntingly spoke, "you should keep an eye on her before she goes cheating with her friends."

"Did I ask you to speak?" Gojo grabbed his hair, yanking him up to his feet, "as a matter of fact, I should rip out that tongue of yours for talking out of turn."

Gojo dragged the man to (name), " do whatever you plan on doing with this insect."

"Do you think she can kill me?!" The man laughed again, "this bitch was in love with me!"

"Now you've done it," he was kicked in his stomach so hard that blood came out of his mouth.

"You think I'm mad, don't you?" He turned towards (name), "tell him you loved me! You still do!"

(Name) looked him in the eye, her expression as stern as ever, "I loved you, Aahan, but you didn't. I regret that decision every passing moment but you do wanna know what I feel about you," she kneeled in front of him, grabbing his bruised chin, "I f*cking hate you as much I loved you, Aahan, the only thing stopping me from ripping you to shreds are my ideals." Her eyes were ablaze like fire Gojo has never seen.

His expression changed to a very furious one, "good thing I killed Haqir, he must be disappointed in you! You can't even protect your kin just like before!!!"

"You sure you don't want me to end this miserable man?"

"No," (name) shook her head, "that is exactly what he wants, but he can't die."

"But I need you to do me a favor."
She cradles the unconscious Arshi in her arms, "take her to the hospital, please."

"Don't worry," Gojo takes the unconscious girl, "you still sure about not ending that man?" He looks at the bruised man who was muttering to himself.

"You sure you'll be fine?" She smiled at his concern for her well-being.

"Yeah, I am sure." Gojo teleported.

"(Name)," the bruised man whispered, "kill me already, it's been too long for me to suffer." He dragged himself to her, "don't you see how miserable I am? You say I didn't love you but I did! I swear I still do." He clung to her legs, "(name), would things have been different if I didn't kill Haqir?! Is that it?!"

"It wasn't just about you killing Haqir, It took me time but I realized how horrible of a person you were, Aahan." His expression was sullen and he looked like he was about to cry, "you did the same thing again, you've hurt the ones I care for again." With that, she knocked him cold.


Arshi's condition was stable, the doctors treated her injuries as well as Aahan's who was brought in by (name).
But they didn't leave him all on his own, a proper group of sorcerers was present in his room.

It was dark outside, meaning Gojo has to leave soon.

He wanted to see (name) just for the last time before they parted for god knows how long, he couldn't stay longer as a new session of Jujutsu High was about to begin in a few months, he has to be there.

He walked briskly in the back garden, only a few lights illuminating the vast area. He followed the path her brother has told him to find her as she was nowhere around the house, the path lead to a small clearing with a little pond and a lone willow tree.

He saw her in the dark, sitting there with her back facing the harsh tree bark.
For a moment she resembled a sculpture, the finest he has ever laid his eyes on. Her chest rose and fell with her rhythmic heartbeat.

"I didn't think you'll still be here." She told him, even a little whisper echoing around due to lack of sounds.

He takes a place beside her, "I wanted to see you before I go."

"I..." She opened her eyes to face him, "you must have a lot of questions according to what transpired today."

"No, I don't need any answers as long you are uncomfortable telling me." He was again putting her before anything, just like he always does.

"No, I've thought about this for a long time," she tucked her hair behind her ear, "I want to tell you."

"Okay, go ahead."

"Haqir was my cousin, the only son of the clan leader. He was also engaged to Arshi..." He looked ahead, considering he might be making her uncomfortable with constant staring, "he was the predecessor to my uncle, but unfortunate events lead to his...death. Turns out the one who murdered him was none other than the man I was in love with, Aahan. He was stupid enough to think I'll take his side. He tried manipulating; making me go against my clan." She takes a breath, "I might be naive but I'm not stupid. I can see what is in front of me. He and his clan tried eradicating our whole clan but failed. He was never captured. Everyone in my clan thinks that I let him go because I loved him and my uncle blames me for his son's death... And to top it all, I can't even end Aahan's life." There was a sob that ripped through her cold exterior, and shattered his heart, "now he did that to Arshi who I swore to protect, I'm so worthless. What is the use of being the strongest when you can't safeguard people you care about?!" Her voice echoed through the silence of the night.

He wanted to comfort her. He took her little frame in his arms, stroking her back.

"Satoru, have you ever felt so powerless?" Her voice was muffled by tears.

"I have," he placed gentle fingers under her chin and made her look at him, "you can't protect everyone even if you are the strongest." His voice recited his story, he has been there.

With feather-like touch, be removed tears off of her flawless skin.

(Name) didn't know what else to do but admire his delicate gaze.

He is beautiful, she agrees silently in her mind. But she can't love him... At least not yet, but she was sure she will learn to.

"Thank you," she couldn't help but bury her tired frame in his warmth.

"No worries, wifey."

They set there in comfortable silence till the time came for him to leave. With a heavy heart, he smiled, "see you again, (Name)." He left her there, standing under the willow; not knowing when they'll see each other again.
Both will dream of each other in wedding attire at night.

He'll dream of her beautiful smile.

She'll dream of his gorgeous eyes.

Both will hope to see the other.

Author's Note:
Guys, guess what? It's not over yet.
Hoping you nice day/night.

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