San Diego pt.1

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"Get up!" I hear someone yell, breaking me out of my sleep. I hear Chris mumble something from beside me. I sigh and turn on my other side so I'm facing away from the door.

"I'm serious guys! We have to get up so we're on schedule." I recognize the voice as Nick's. The light turns on and I groan and pull the cover up over my face.

"Turn the light off Nick!" I hear Matt yell from the other bed in the room. Chris mumbles some more unidentifiable things and moves so he's spooning me.

"Do you want to go to the beach or not?" Nick says. I feel the covers be pulled off of me and Chris.

I snap my head to Nick and give him a glare. "Give me the fucking blanket back and stop yelling." I snap and point at the blanket in nicks hand. Nick raises his eyebrows and drops the blanket back on me and Chris. "Thank you." I mutter and lay back down, this time facing Chris. His eyebrows are drawn in but his eyes are stilled closed. I pull the blanket over our shoulders and snuggle into his chest.

Nick leaves us alone but I hear Matt rustling around and moving things. "We should get up." Chris mumbles. I hum a disagreement into his shirt and he rubs my back.

He's right. I can't fall asleep now that people have been yelling and the lights on. And Nick will loose his shit if we don't stick to his schedule. However, I'm really tired. It's our second night in LA and last night we were out for most of the night and didn't go to sleep until like 4am. Now Nick wants us to get up at 8am.

"Babe, let's get up." Chris says, sitting up and leaving me laying next to him.

I let out a loud groan and roll onto my back and put my hands over my face. "Fine."

-time skip-

"Sorry for yelling at you Nick." I mutter to Nick while we watch Chris pack the van for our little week long trip to San Diego.

Nick looks down at me and gives me a small smile and wraps his arm around my shoulder. "It's okay, I know you get a bit grumpy in the mornings." He says and everyone laughs a little.

I've probably called the triplets and my sibling so many names and glared at them and hit them for waking me up. I do not like being woken up. Especially in rude ways. They've learned to wake me up nicely or just let me wake up on my own.

"Okay, van's packed." Chris says proudly, closing the back of the van. We all start getting into the van.

Laura, the triplets manager is driving. Matt calls shotgun and Nick and Chris take the middle seat. So that leaves me and madi in the back of the van.

"I'm picking the music!" Nick yells out, grabbing his phone to connect to Bluetooth. Matt starts arguing and I hear Chris agree.

"What kind of music do you like?" Madi asks me. I just met her a few days ago but she's super sweet and the only other girl in our friend group so we bonded kinda quick.

"Honestly? I love Taylor Swift." I say and she grins.

"Me too! Favorite album?" She squeals and grabs my hands. Thank god she's a swiftie.

"Honestly, her first one has some bangers and I love to blast them and sing in a southern accent. But I also really love her lover album." I explain and watch Madi's eyes sparkle.

"Oh my god, I'd pay to see you sing Taylor swift in a southern accent." Madi smiles brightly and looks at Nick who's still trying to pick out a song.

"It's hilarious but annoying at the same time." Chris speak up from the seat in front of me, turning in his seat to look at us. I roll my eyes but smile at him.

"Nick, play picture to burn by Taylor Swift." I say and reach over to grab his shoulder. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"Please?" Madi asks, practically begging. She puts her hands together in a praying pose and pouts at him.

"Fine." Nick rolls his eyes and searches for it in his phone.

"Matt, record this!" Chris calls up to Matt in the front seat. Matt pulls out the camera and starts recording as the song starts.

I hear the familiar guitar and grin widely. Everyone in the car except for Laura who's driving turns to watch me. "State the obvious, I didn't get my perfect fantasy." I sing out in a country accent. "I realize you love yourself more than you could ever love me." I sing in a very heavy country accent. Madi start to giggle and Nick watches me attentively.

"Cause I hate that stupid ol' pick up truck you never let me drive." I turn to Chris and point at him for the next part. "You're a redneck heartbreak who's really bad at lying."Chris starts to laugh really hard and Matt's in the front hitting his seat and laughing so hard he's crying. So Nick takes the camera to record the rest. "So watch me strike a match on all my wasted time. As far as I'm concerned you're just another picture to burn." I sing to the camera and act like I'm playing the guitar.

"Oh my gosh that's amazing." Madi says and wipes the tears from her eyes as the song ends.

"Chris I didn't know you were a redneck heartbreak." Nick says with a strained voice because he's laughing which sends us all into a laughing fit again. Madi leans on me and starts laughing again. Chris starts laughing so hard he coughs.

For the rest of the drive I sing old Taylor swift in a southern accent. Madi joins in for the songs she knows too. We sing duets and act out the songs.

I think I've found my people.

-time skip-

Laura parks the van and we all get out and gasp at the house we're staying in for a week. It's super big, like mansion big. Nicks still holding the camera and he lets out a little "woah". All at once we all run into the house to check it out. There's a shit ton of rooms and a pool. There's even a home theatre.

"Okay I call this room." Nick calls out. I peek into the room he's in. There's a big bed and a gorgeous view. He drops his bag on the bed and opens the curtains wide.

"We're picking rooms now?" Matt calls out and goes to look at the room as well. He gasps at the view and runs over to take pictures.

"There's enough rooms for everyone to have their own!" Laura calls out from downstairs which send everyone into a frenzy to claim rooms.

Chris grabs my hand and drags me across the hallway into a different room. "Can this be our room?" Chris asks, squeezing my hand.

I gasp at the room. It has it own tv and it's own bathroom. With a big bay window with a similar view as the one in Nicks room. I wander over to the window and look out. For miles it's only blue and green ocean. There's a few palm trees on the on the beach.

I turn back to Chris and grin. "Yes, this is definitely our room." I nod and he grins back at me and pulls me into a bear hug.

"Let's go to the beach. Just you and me." He mutters into my hair. I nod quickly, very excited to get beach time. And alone with my boyfriend, which I rarely get? Deal.

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