The smile that was plastered across Adams face, was enough to give Fiona a small rush. "Perfect" Adams whispers, leaning up and grabbing Fiona by the back of the head for a kiss. Both of them laughed into the kiss, when they had fallen backwards.

August 6, 2018
Monday. Fiona had barely slept a wink last night, due to the matter that she's meeting Adams daughter and psycho ex tonight. It's a huge thing, but it wasn't her daughter that made her worry. The ex was. Fiona looked her up last night and felt nauseous. She was this curvaceous, redhead and clearly came from some money. Fiona was a ghetto chick born on the south-side of Chicago. Why did Evelyn think that this would be a good idea?

She looked over at Adams, who was fast asleep and had no worries about tonight. It  was 5:30 in the morning, the birds had just starting chirping. Why am I so stressed out? Having that thought on her mind, she had slowly tried falling back asleep. That was nice, until she'd woken to the assumed argument between Adams and her ex wife. Her phone read 7:48. Only two more hours? Jesus, Evelyn must be really pissed. Being as nosey as she is, Fiona threw on some of Evelyn's clothes and walked out the room quietly. Thankfully she had a glass railing, so she could hear what was happening.

"Why can't you stay out of peoples areas? Like, the constant butting in everyone's business is so tiring, Jennifer" Fiona had overhear Adams. Fiona didn't know a lot, but it didn't mean she knew some things. Jennifer had zero boundaries, and it was annoying.

Jennifer chuckled darkly. "Oh! I'm sorry. I'm not allowed to know what's going in our daughter's life?" She snaps back at her, and Fiona knew it was going to get messy.

Fiona watched as Evelyn pinched her nose bridge, sighing heavily. "Yes, of course, but not by invading her privacy. She's told you so many times to stop reading her diaries. Did you not listen to Doctor Monroe? Of course you didn't" She scoffed a chuckle. They have a family therapist? Rich people.

She watched as Jennifer walked over to the bar chart, and pour herself a glass. "Look. I don't need some shrink telling me how to raise my child, ok?" Jennifer tells Adams, throwing the glass of liquor back.

"Fine" Evelyn sighs, and Jennifer had made direct eye contact with Fiona, who was bad at hiding. She showed her a sickly smirk, it made Fiona nervous. Good job idiot.

Jennifer, who stared at her for another beat, before getting more liquor. "So. Where's your little girlfriend?" She asks, smirking to herself. Evelyn continued to pick at her nails.

"She's Upstairs sleeping" She answered, unaware that Fiona was wide awake and listening to everything.

Turning on her heels, Jennifer walked over to Adams and handed her a glass of liquor. "Does she know?" She asked Evelyn, who froze at the asked question. Know what?

Fiona watched Adams sigh into her glass, before throwing it back. "Know what, Jennifer?" She sighed her response, setting her glass onto the table.

Jennifer looked up before answering, but to her surprise, Fiona was gone. Still wanted to have a little fun. "Come on. About the fuck room, and your little side business. Oh, yes, Mistress!" She says, exaggerating her fake moan. Evelyn's face became flushed with panic, and peered upstairs to make that sure Fiona wasn't awake.

"That is enough!" Evelyn said in a hushed manner, giving Jennifer a dark look. Fiona, who's still been listening, felt a heavy pit in her stomach. What the fuck?

Jennifer gasped playfully, that was follow by a laugh. "Gonna take that as a no, then?" She says, in a near whining manner. No, I don't know what either of you are saying.

A Taste of Medicine - Fiona Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now