"I'm just nervous." I shrugged.

His face softened, "Louis, I'm right here. I won't leave your side. Okay?"

I calmed down a bit, "Okay." I let go of his hand to get out.

We got out of the car to see two other vehicles.

"We aren't the only ones here." Harry voiced my thoughts.

When we entered the secretary pointed to the door with a golden plaque saying "Simon Cowell" 

I went in first. 

"Ah, Louis and Harry are here. Boys take a seat."

I sat down next to Niall, who, by the way, looked as anxious as I felt.

Harry sat next to me.

"Boys, the tour is over, and I'm generous enough to give you a month off. But, I don't want you to have it off."

Okay, what? 

"I'm sending you to America. You are going to be in the Smoky Mountains to be exact. You are going to stay in an isolated cabin area for a while. A monthtwo weeks actually."

I guess our faces showed we needed more information.

Simon sighed, "It's isolated, so you'll be hidden from paparazzi and fans for a while." He looked directly at Harry, "You can not and will not tell anyone of your location. So you can't invite a random girl. You can not leave the premises."

Harry nodded.

"I will arrange someone to bring food once a week. Since Harry can cook," He stopped, "More or less," He started again, "You should be able to survive. Any questions?"

"What about Danielle?"

"And Perrie?"

"Why is it so important that we be isolated?"

"What do you mean more or less?"

Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Harry all asked.

"Danielle and Perrie might be allowed. Might be." He answered Liam and Zayn, "Harry be serious, and Niall, Eleanor has foreclosed that her and Louis are over," Everyone looked at me in disbelief, "She has also told a fan why."

I shrunk into my chair. I felt as small as an ant. I wanted to be invisible so badly at that moment. I looked pleadingly at Harry.

He gave me a "I-don't-know-how-to-help" look.

"Why?" Niall asked.

"Take that one up with Louis. I'm done. You guys leave tomorrow morning. Get packing. You can leave now." 

We all left.

Once we were all in the parking lot the others hounded me with questions.

I held my hand up, signaling that they need to shut the fuck up. "I'll explain later. I'm tired and confused."

I've been getting so tired lately, my mind can't handle all this emotion, stress, and confusion.

"Yeah, he'll explain on the plane okay?" Harry told them.

The boys nodded and got to their cars.

"Thanks." I said before getting in on the right side of the car.

"No problem, love."

I smiled.

We ride home was quiet. I kept dozing off.

When we arrived at our flat soon.

"What do we pack for something like this?"

"Well, depending that it's August, and the Smoky's are a mountain, long-sleeves, pants, warm clothes." Harry told me.

Seven Minutes in Heaven [Larry Stylinson] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now