On a Roll

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Bellis and Blue led Bettie and Scottie to Bellis' lab, while Sycamore left for his.

"Meet me in my laboratory once you're finished teaching Bettie and Scottie the ropes. I'd like to see your sync move again," instructed Sycamore to Blue.

"Sure. Just be warned, Gramps'll probably want to see me after."

"What's a sync move?" asked Bettie.

"A sync move, my friend, is a move of epic proportions. It is capable of dishing massive damage-"

"That is a terrible way of describing a sync move," interrupted Bellis. "A sync move is a special move that can only be used after 9 turns of a battle. However, it is so much more than that. A sync move can be used by any sync pair, which is a pairing between a trainer and a Pokemon. The strength of a sync move varies between individual sync pairs. To use a sync move, a trainer needs a sync stone." Bellis reached into her pocket and pulled out a small star shaped stone. It glimmered in the sunlight. "I'll need to activate it when we get to the lab. Look! Here we are!" They stopped before a large white and blue building. The insignia of a shooting star glittered above the sliding door entrance. "Welcome, children, to my lab!"

The lab was messy yet lively. In the middle was a large glass chamber that was surrounded by control panels. Tables covered in papers lined the room. Bellis rushed over to a complicated looking machine, while Blue guided the two of them to the corner of the room. There were two comfy looking couches with a table between them. Nearby was a mini kitchen. A girl with brown pigtails and a pink visor sat there, reading what appeared to be a magazine. A Snivy slept contently on the cushion next to her. The girl perked up when she noticed the trio.

"Hi Blue! Are these new trainers?"

"Yep. I'm going to teach them how battling on Pasio works."

"Ooh, I'll help you! You guys can sit down on that couch, and I'll grab some lunch from the fridge. We can chat over lunch." The girl shifted her weight, causing the Snivy to wake up. It hopped up onto the girl's shoulder. She went into the mini kitchen, and began heating up what looked like Hot Pockets and Malasadas.

"That's Rosa. She's a trainer from Unova" explained Blue. Bettie studied the girl more closely. Her eyes widened.

"I've seen her before! Isn't she in a lot of Pokestar Studios films?" Rosa glanced over when she heard 'Pokestar Studios'.

"Yep! I've been in a ton of them!"

"Wow. That's impressive. Does that make you a movie star?" asked Scottie.

"I don't think so. I mean, I haven't been in THAT many movies."

"What was your favorite movie that you starred in?"

"Hmm, lemme think," replied Rosa as she pulled the Hot Pockets out of the microwave. "Probably Foongus Kid and Dewott Girl! That was my first show. I shot it with my friend Nate. We had so much fun together! Nate is also here on the island. You should meet him!" She brought over the plate of Hot Pockets and Malasads. "Help yourselves! Now, let's talk battles!" Blue picked up a Hot Pocket and almost immediately dropped it.

"These are way too hot to eat right now. Anyway, the battles on Pasio are normally 3v3 battles. To have your Pokemon use a move, you need to have enough bars in the move gauge, which is shown on the battle console.

"Different moves use different amounts of gauge. Normally, the more powerful a move is, the more gauge it uses. The gauge will fill up by itself, but to make it fill up faster, you can raise your speed, or use a move that provides Move Gauge Acceleration. You can also use specific trainer moves, which are self buffing moves that are unique to each trainer, to fill up the gauge." Blue finally took a bite out of his Hot Pocket.

"For example, my trainer move, Time to Energize!, fills up the Move Gauge by two for every sync pair on the field," continued Rosa. "Most trainers also have an item. That item can be an X Item, a Move Gauge Boost, or even a type zone." Bettie's mind was buzzing. Battling on Pasio is WAY different than battling at home!

"There are three different types of sync pairs," continued Rosa. "Well, technically four. There are strikers, techs, and supports. Strikers hit hard, Techs disrupt opponents and set weather, zones, and terrains, and supports help buff the team. Strikers are divided into two categories: special strikers, and physical strikers. Pretty self explanatory. 

"There's also star ranks for each sync pair. The lowest is 1, but only newborn Pokemon are star ranks 1 and 2. Next is 3, then 4, then 5. There's also a 6th star rank, but it's really difficult to achieve."

Bellis walked over with two boxes in her hands. Behind her, she had set up a large monitor.

"You two are confusing them. Perhaps we should let them learn by battle. Here, I've activated your sync stones. All you have to do is touch them, and this monitor here will give you your kits. Why don't you let your Pikachus out of their Pokeballs now?" Bettie pulled out the Pokeball that held her Pikachu. Scottie did the same. The Bettie' Pikachu hopped up on her shoulder.

Bellis opened the boxes.

Inside the box was the star shaped stone that Bellis had shown them earlier. Before, the colors had been dull and the glow emitted from the stone was faint. But now, the stone glowed with every color imaginable. It was almost too bright to look at.

"Go on children. The first chapter in your incredible tale is about to begin!"

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