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Tw: mention of Technoblade, Sh scars (healed), crying, blood


Quackity stood there. So broken, sad and terrified. It broke Wilbur's heart. "Wh-what is it?" Wilbur whispered. Confusion and worry filled Wilbur's voice. "He isn't j-just after m-me or my country..H-he is also af-after tubbo..." His voice was shaky and quiet. Tears let themself fall, even if he didn't want them to. Even if he tried his best not to let them fall, they still did. They ran themself down his cheeks like a waterfall that you could find deep inside a forest. The view broke wilburs heart so much. But quackity's eyes still managed to look beautiful. Those dark chocolate eyes. Wilbur almost got lost in them. "What do you m-mean hes after tubbo? Why would he be after tubbo?" Wilbur said still holding quackity. "No no no no no!" Quackity kept repeating, removing himself from his tall enemies grasp.

"I gotta... I gotta go! I promised!" He ran through the door. Wilbur blinked twice in confusion and worry but ran after Quackity. He has never seen him act so paranoid about schlatt. Alright maybe once but not this paranoid.. it made him..worry. Like the kind of worry he never knew he would be feeling for especially Quackity.


Soon enough they arrived. Aka quackity arrived first in 10 minutes Wilbur was there. Wilbur put his hands on his hips, panting. "You are..You are so fast.." wilbur said as he exhaled. He didn't know the short duck could run so fast. Quackity tried to open the door but it was locked so he hit it with his fists. He couldn't let the same thing happen to Tubbo and Michael. No. He promised to protect them. He might have failed a couple times..but that's besides the point! He needs to protect them at all cost. The house always wins. No matter what so he will win against schlatt..right?

His fists were bleeding of how hard he was hiding, his arms had bruises on them. He broke the door down. And ran inside eto the second floor. He knew where it would be happening. He arrived at the bedroom door hitting it. He heard a Yelp from someone and cries. Wilbur was behind him and he broke the door down.

As soon as they walked in they saw tubbo on the floor next to schlatt as if he tried to get him away from..from the wardrobe. Tubbos head bleeding, he was crying in pain. "No no please! Father!" Tubbo yelled out. Schlatt was standing infront of the wardrobe his hand on the handle. Wilburs eyes went wide. How did quackity know this? What promise? He knew schlatt was tubbos father. But why would Quackity care so much about tubbo? He let him die. He watched him die. "S-schlatt.." Quackity whispered as he stepped inside, closer to schlatt. "Oh pumpkin what a lovely surprise.." schlatt said smiling widely. This scenario was too familiar to quackity. "How about we go and have a talk." Quackity stood straighter, holding his axe, trying to be threatening but his red buffy eyes from crying didn't help. "Oh let me finish this first, yea?" He said opening the wardrobe. Taking the baby pigling by his arm. Micheal was crying holding his teddy. "No!" Quackity hit schlatt on the back making him fall to his knees dropping Michael. Luckily Wilbur caught Michael. Tubbo got up "why a-" he began as schlatt got up holding his head. "Not now." Wilbur said as he held the crying zombie piglin in his arms. They ran downstairs and put of the house. They ran a couple blocks away hearing things break. Like glass shattering and angry yelling from the revived ram. "L-let me..please." tubbo said putting his hands out to wilbur, signaling to give him Michael. Wilbur gave him Michael and they began speed walking in akward silence.

"Why..why did you come by? How did you even know he was there..?" Tubbo asked looking at quackity, who stayed silent for a while before speaking. "Maybe we should talk..later." he said loud enough for them to hear.


Tubbo went infront with Michael as wilbur and quackity were behind them. Wilbur couldnt keep his thoughts away why? How? So he asked. "Okay but actually how did you know? Why did you come even if you did know? I mean it is a nice thing to do bu-" Wilbur said loud enough only for quackity to hear. "Please wilbur I'll tell you..later. Maybe" he cut Wikbur off as wilbur nodded.

Not a word was spoken. Micheal was peacefully sleeping.


They arrived at the hotel which had a room done because of foolishs work. Quackity gave tubbo the keys. Not looking him in the eyes. Wilbur hugged him, tightly. Quackitys eyes widened, didn't hug back. "Thank you.." he whispered to both of the. Tubbo let go and smiled, weakly, walking away. Quackoty send foolish to check out tubbos head.


As they entered the house quackity went straight to his bed. Laying face first. Wilbur leaned on the door frame and sighed. "So.." he began as he walked over to the bed, not being sure if quackity was awake. Quackity giving him a groan to signal him to keep going.
"Nevermind..let's get to bed." Quackity raised an eyebrow so suspicions but didnt say anything. Quackity knew he had to tell wilbur..sonner or later. But did he really have to. I mean wilbur is his rival what if he takes this information against me. Quackity is always used or taken advantage of by others. He never really knew how to open up or trusted anyone enough to open up. Even if he did that trust was destroyed, once they took advantage of that. Of him.

Wilbur walked out the bathroom while quackity went in. Quackity took his beanie off. He washed his face and looked in the mirror. He didnt like what he saw. Again. Water was dripping from his chin. His eyes were puffy and red. His hair was messy. The scar left from Technoblade was..it was just a pathetic sight. What was he thinking when he challenged the blood God..Damn XD was he stupid. His eye was slightly a lighter shade of brown, where the scar was. He dried his face, brushing his teeth. And took off his shirt looking in the mirror again.

He saw scars. Many of them. Small and big ones. He looked at his arms. Self harm cuts all over them. If he admits he looks like a tiger. Which reminded him of his cat, Tiger. Back in..the royalty. He missed that cat very much. And then the only friend he had. M-

He heard a knock on the door. "Hey uh..big q are you okay in there..? You know I'm just making sure you didn't hurt yourself..not that I care or anything!" Wilbur said laughing nervously at the end. "I'm fine I'll be out in a minute" Quqckity said as he heard footsteps leaving.

He sighted. He put his pjs on and took one last look at himself. When walking out. Seeing Wilbur asleep in the bed facing away from the door. He walked onto he other side, carefully. And turned the night light on. Getting into bed being careful not to wake up wilbur. He turned away so his back was to wilbur. He closed his eyes and felt arms around his waist. The arms were big compared to his. They were also very gentle, as if they were making sure it was alright what they were doing. Quackity didnt know how to react a shade of pink was on his cheeks. But then he leaned in the touch. Wilburs head on his shoulder. "I hope this is okay..I just don't know how to comfort you.." he whispered into quackitys ear as quackity gave him a nodd, signaling it was okay. Wilbur hugged quackity tighter but not tight enough to hurt him. Quackity took wilburs hand..and hesitantly kissed it. He didn't know why he just felt the need to. He closed his eyes again. "Goodnight ducky." Wilbur said as he drifted to sleep. Quackity smiled and drifted to sleep as well.

This comforted him a lot, if he was being honest. Even if it was his enemy.


1404 words

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