Chapter 33 - Under Suspicion

Start from the beginning


The next morning came by and everyone seemed exhausted. Ginny and Ron helped Aston in the kitchen prepare breakfast for everyone. The little Hufflepuff boy has made a name for himself being one of the best cooks at Hogwarts and has even earned the privilege of being allowed in the Hogwarts Kitchens. Flo and Hermione made tea coffee and pumpkin juice while Ron and Harry set the table for everyone.

Hermione decided it was best to let her girlfriend sleep in after what happened last night. The Gryffindor girl is actually a little worried about her. Y/N has only ever broken down a few times, but this time it feels different. Usually, the Ravenclaw bounces back fairly quickly from past experience, but Hermione worries that there is so much her girlfriend can take before she really explodes.

Aston plates up pancakes, bacon and eggs, croissants and a lovely plate of fruit on the large dining table and they all sit down to eat. Flo and Ron sat next to each other whilst Ginny, Harry and Hermione sat on the other side. Aston sat at the head of the table and looked at everyone not making a move to eat the food he's prepared.

"Well don't just sit there" Aston pouts "I didn't slave away in the kitchen for you lot not to eat it"

Ron didn't need to be told twice as he piled a stack of pancakes onto his plate and a side of bacon and eggs. Flo laughs and plates up a few pancakes and fruit on her plate.

"Bloody hell Ron save some for the rest of us," The Ravenclaw says, and everyone at the table laughs.

That seemed to break the tension in the room and the group starts plating up food on their plates. Ginny smirks as she takes a slice of bacon off Harry's plate and the raven-haired boy frowns.

"What the hell Ginny you've already got three pieces on your plate" Harry says, and Ginny grins widely

"So?" the Weasley girl says "I'm hungry and what are you going to do about it"

Harry's frown turns into a wicked smirk, making Ginny's cheeks blush. He stands and so does the Weasley girl, and they race around the table with ginny holding her fork just out of reach of Harry. Everyone at the table laughs at the display but they're also shocked at Harry acting so boisterous, they often don't see that side of him. Flo and Hermione give each other a look knowing that Harry and Ginny are definitely in love with each other, even if neither of them will admit it just yet. Harry eventually lifts Ginny over his shoulder and the Wealsey girl was kind of surprised by Harry's strength.

"Harry James Potter put me down!" Ginny says, and Harry laughs

"Give me back my bacon then Ginevra," Harry says back and Ginny pouts. She shoves the bacon into her mouth and Harry reluctantly puts Ginny down both of them having massive grins on their faces as they sit back down. As Harry sits down  then steals a slice of bacon off Ginny's plate and they both look at each other laughing with the rest of the group.

"We can never have a civilised time at the table can we" Hermione says to Flo who nods her head

"This is the best we're going to get to civilised" Flo says, and the two girls giggle

"Hey, who's having all the fun without us" Fred says as he enters the large kitchen and dining room with George not far behind him.

"and you guys made food," George replies "how dare you guys not tell us"

"Well hurry up and grab a plate before its all gone then" Ginny says and the twins sit down and dig in.

It's not long before Rue comes downstairs and joins the table and starts annoying her twin brother at the table throwing a few blueberries at him which then starts a competition with Fred and Ron about how many blueberries they can catch in their mouths. Everyone was joking and laughing with each other, and it felt like everything was normal once more.

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