Steve smiled "yes, you like it?"

Natasha nodded as tears glistened in her eyes "it's beautiful." She complemented in complete awe leaning up to press a sweet kiss to his jaw

It was hard to believe that Steve seen her in such a intimate and beautiful way. The fact that he saw her true beauty, the beauty Natasha had within herself was amazing to her. She had never known someone to actually see the real her, they all saw what they wanted to see, Natasha Romanoff the model but Steve saw Natasha Rogers the woman who would do anything to put a smile on someone's face.

Steve placed a gentle kiss to her temple before he closed up the sketch book and sat it on the sill.

"We should get to bed, we've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow." He whispered in her ear placing a gentle kiss to her temple

Tomorrow was officially the day of the festival, the festival of which Natasha was helping to set up. Thing's had been going great so far, no fuck up's and Jane was over the moon with the fact that the kids would be singing a song later that night.

Natasha looked at the small alarm clock that sat on Steve's nightstand, it's bright red lights showing that it was now one in the morning.

"Yeah, I don't want to be tired tomorrow." She said as she got up from her spot and walked back over to the bed getting under the covers

Steve followed close behind her and getting under the covers he took Natasha into his arms. Natasha tucked her head into the crook of his neck and placed a gentle kiss there causing a small smile to form on his lips as his fingers ran through her hair, twirling the blonde locks around his fingers.


The next morning Steve woke up to the feeling of soft lips pressed against his neck. With a smile lacing his lips he wrapped his arms around her waist and flipped them over.

Steve smiled down at the blonde who looked up at him with a innocent look on her face.

"Good morning." She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed a kiss to his cheek

Steve leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to her lips "good morning sweetheart." He smiled against her lips as they parted

"I brought you're breakfast up." She smiled as she rubbed the tip of her nose against his lightly

Steve smiled "well it looks delicious." He complemented, glancing over at the small food tray on his nightstand

Steve grabbed the tray from off his nightstand and sat it on the bed in-between them. Natasha smiled happily as he handed her a piece of bacon.

"You know I shouldn't be eating this much grease." She said as she ate the bacon and whipped her hands on a napkin

Steve simply rolled his eyes "well a girl has to eat, no matter what." He said as he handed her a fork so she could eat some of the pancakes she had brought up

Natasha smiled in thanks taking the fork and knife before cutting her pancakes and taking a bite.


"So, are you going to tell me what was bothering you last night?" She probed, putting the tray back on the nightstand and looking at her husband

Steve shook his head slowly "nah, I rather just lay here." He replied as he laid his head on her breasts wrapping his arms around her waist and Natasha's fingers went into his hair, combing through the short blonde locks

"Come on Steve, I saw you after the phone call, you barely said a word when you got back to the room." She said

Steve let out a huff "can we please talk about this later? All I want to do right now is lay here with you before we have to go to the festival later."

Natasha nodded as she placed a kiss to the top of his head "okay, you want to watch a movie then?" She suggested and she could fell Steve nod his head against her chest

Steve picked up the remote and turned on the first season of 'N.C.I.S.' before he laid his head back down on her chest and rubbed his hand over Natasha's arm.

Natasha's fingers continued to comb through Steve's hair as they watched the crime show. She found it soothing to watch Special Agent Gibbs and his team of agents put away murders.

'Only if it were that easy.' she thought as she remembered what Nick and Clint had told her about their work over at S.H.I.E.L.D.

She remembered the stories they would tell her about their time on the field. How many murders, drug dealers and illegal weapon sellers they took down. But more than anything she remembered them telling her how hard it would be to arrest her father because of his reputation and money.

Natasha looked down at her lap where Steve's head now laid, he was now asleep. She watched as he slept, his face holding a look of nothing but calmness, Natasha wished that one day she could be that calm when she slept, that the nightmares wouldn't haunt her any longer.


The couple left the house later that night to go to the festival. They once again decided to travel with Tony, who for once wasn't picking on Natasha.

Upon arrival Natasha smiled brightly at all the kids who ran around happily, playing small festival games and talking with friends and family.

"Uh oh, I think someone's getting kid fever." Tony whispered to Steve as he walked pass the blond

Steve rolled his eyes as he took Natasha's hand into his and intertwined their fingers together.

Natasha smiled contently as she laid her head down on his shoulder and they walked together.

"I've never been to a festival before." She said after a moment as she looked around at the many different vendors

"There's a first time for everything." He whispered as he placed a kiss to the top of her head "we should go on the Ferris wheel, it's one of the best things to do here." He suggested and Natasha smiled brightly as she nodded in agreement

The pair waited in line for the Ferris wheel and once they were both settled into their seats and the wheel started moving Natasha's eyes twinkled in awe.

"You can see everything from up here." She said and Steve smiled

"That's the beauty of these kinda things." He stated

Steve turned towards the blonde who smiled happily, her green eyes glistening in awe and her hair flying in her face as she looked down at all the people who looked like ants from where they were.

Steve tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, his thumb ghosting over her cheek bone "God I love you." He said in complete awe

Natasha turned to him, her mouth a gape and eyes wide in shock at what he had just said. Surely she had heard him wrong, he didn't just say what she think he said did he?

"What?" She asked in complete disbelief

Steve smiled "I love you." He repeated "you don't have to say it back, I know-"

Natasha interrupted his rambling, pressing her lips against his in a sweet kiss "I love you too." She murmured against his lips as they parted

Steve smiled, a goofy school boy grin and placed a passionate kiss to her lips. Their tongues danced together as their lips moved in perfect sync. They only pulled apart when the wheel stopped and they had to hop off the ride.

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