Chapter 2

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He suddenly felt himself being pushed back into the bed. This would normally be something he would be excited about, the idea of his Shizun being this energetic towards him, yet right now he couldn't see it that way. The way Shen Qingqiu was looking at him while his shaky hands were cupping his face was going against anything that could have lead to that.

"Binghe!" he was suddenly called out, only managing to nod at it, the distress in his husband eyes making him unable to respond first. "This Shizun cherishes you a lot" he heard being said quickly, making him frown even more. He would normally have loved hearing him say such things, yet at the moment they were leaving a weird after taste, as if leading him to something bad.

His guts were telling him to do something, that all this wasn't going anywhere good. Yet, when he tried to speak and ask what was wrong, he felt a gentle thumb press on his lips, shushing him so he wouldn't interrupt the other one.

"This master is really proud of his husband and loves him with all his heart". His hand suddenly tighten around the man waist, as if afraid he would go somewhere else, as those words were rendering him more anxious than happy. He wanted to talk again, only for the thumb to silence him again, the man above him looking desperate to not be interrupted by him. Tears were slowly swelling at the corner of his eyes, feeling helpless in this situation he didn't understand.

"Listen to me, I don't have the time to explain, but know that this Shizun would never voluntarily run away from you". This was too much, making him tense and panic too, afraid that something like what had happens years ago would happen again. Why was Shizun suddenly talking of leaving? Why was he talking of leaving if he wasn't going to do so? What was it he couldn't explain?

Seeing his husband tear up like this only made him more distressed in this situation. Shen Qingqiu wasn't one to cry freely, and it only had been in rare times that he would have seen him cry.

When the soft lips came to his, all he could do was accept the kiss with vigour, as if the connection would keep him right here. He was holding onto him, scared to let him go as if a fraction of a second would be enough for him to vanish. The weak dam at the corner of his eyes had broke and he couldn't keep in the flow of tears rolling down his temple, some mixing slightly with the tears that were falling onto his cheeks from the person above him.

Then it was as if everything had gone still, the body atop of him falling on him unmoving, the hands still vaguely cupping his face. Luo Binghe quickly sat up, making sure not to sent his Shizun flying off the bed in doing so.

The feeling of reliving what had happened many years ago was too much for him, making him unable to react at first as if expecting for the Peak Lord to suddenly sit up. Yet, after a couple of minutes of it nothing happening, he realised he wouldn't do that.

He checked all he could, everything in the man's body seemed as fine as when they went to bed. Yet no trace of a soul in it, as if his Shizun had become a simple human shell. Again.

It also as if he couldn't feel anything from Shen Qingqiu at all in this world. He would probably always had been able to feel if the man was at least somewhere, but this time it wasn't like that. It as if a greater power had taken away everything from his Shizun but his body.

It felt as though there was nothing for him to do about it this time, yet he couldn't give up despite not knowing what to do. He carefully put a warmer robe on his husband body, not wanting for his body to get too cold either. As quickly as he could, he rod a sword to Cang Qiong Mountain, knowing he could find at least some people who could maybe help him out. He hated needing to rely on others in that situation, but for the sake of Shizun, he would do it.

The first person he happened to find was Liu Qingge who was back from a hunt. The Peak Lord had looked a little surprised to be called out by him, only for a frown to form on his face when he saw him carry the Qing Jing Peak Lord in his arm. Clearly not the first person Luo Binghe would have liked to ask help from, but he would still do.

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