Principal's office

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We silently followed him to his office .He walked into his office
Wejust stood by the door we always did this it was more like a tradition.The principal took one look at us and sighed"Enter and sit down "he said in a demanding voice .It frightened me so l immediately sat .A low growl came from Xaiver then he just stood there showing off his dominance "Sit down unless you want three weeks of detention"He didnt sit down immediantly ,he took his time to show he was not threatened
"l thought you two would stop after the last punishment l gave you when you fought in your physics class b...""but it's his fault"l said interupting his speech "l dont care who's fault it was Ms Knight you are both getting a punishment whether you like it or not."

"For your punishment you will be doing every project and assignment together and lunch duty for two weeks ,Karen is going on vacat...""but...""l don't want to hear it Ms Knight "
"Now go wash yourselves you smell like mashed potatoes "he said
We left .This was soo unfair first he made us have the same classes now every project plus lunch duty, l sighed there was no fighting it now so l accepted it.l walked to my locker and took my extra clothes.In this school you should always make sure you have extra clothes be cause you never know what's going to happen, like once last years senoirs decided to bring paint guns to school and it eventaully turned it a water and paint fight if you weren't wet,you would be covered in paint .I went to the girls locker room and l took a shower and wore my clothes l was dressed in black jeans ,white sneakers, a red t-shirt and a black jock jacket, l got from a sports shop.

I walked to my locker and stuffed my dirty clothes inside .I heard a low chuckle coming from the locker behind me ,l turned around and it was Xaiver "what "l said in an annoyed tone. "Knew you were a fan but to dress like me it's just a little weird"he said with a grin on his face.He was wearing black sneakers,a white t-shirt ,black jeans and a blue jock jacket which was his because he was in the football team  "l hate you" l said politely then l walked torwards class .I knew he was behind me because l could hear his foot steps and we were going to the same class anyway.

Soon it was the last period,l had the last period as a free period so l went to the library .I sat down by the hidden side of the library, l wore my head phones and did homework .When l was half way through biology l felt a tap on my shoulder ,it was Lesley my first bestfriend or second whatever fits we have been friend since l started high school, l removed my headphones.

"hey, Les what's up?"l said cheerfully "Nothing just you and Xaiver starting a food fight ".Come to think of it Lesley wasn't in the cafeteria when it started"Where were you anyway?"l asked "Well l saw what Matthew did ,so l figured you would think it was Xaiver's fault then you would want revenge then Xaiver would get you back which was eventually going to lead to something big." Lesley was Xaivers friend too he,was one of the jocks."Ok ,l guess you know Xaiver and l's relation well enough then"l said then the bell rang signalling it was after school

We walked out together then he walked me to my car.I got into my car and drove off but was stopped by a jam in the parking lot some people was probably making out in the middle of the 'road' l continously hit my horn then someone screamed my name it was Xaiver ,he was surrounded by a group of jocks, mouthed 'you are crazy '
I insteadly got mad but atleast the cars infront of me were moving so l just showed him the middle finger and continued driving.

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