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Hey. I had my 5hr course today for driving and I tell you what, I'm so tired but I couldn't go to sleep before I wrote this! I thought of it during the course lol. Hope you like it <3

Carl's POV:

She was beautiful. Burgundy hair, hazel eyes, and slightly shorter than me. She wore multiple bracelets on her left wrist. Worn-out ripped jeans hugged her legs showing her hip dips. A tight black crop-top which showed all her curves. White converse on her feet and 2 necklaces around her neck.

When I snapped out of it I saw her smirk at me. Shit she must have seen me staring. I wasn't ashamed though cause she was simply beautiful. I smiled back at her.

She had arrived in a very small group. Her, a tall older man, and 2 small children.

"Hi! The name's Julie!" She said walking over to me.

"Hi." I could only stare at her. Stumbling for words I could only get out, "Carl. M-my name's C-Carl."

God I was so stupid when it came to talking to pretty girls. I always had been. Even in school when I was little. It was something I never got better at.

"Well, Carl, My group was offered to live here. Could you show me around?" She asked smiling.

That smile was gonna get me in big trouble. I could just feel it already.

"Uh...yeah. Yeah sure. Come one!" I said so anxious for no reason.

She nodded and followed as I showed her each house and the infirmary.

"And this is where my dad, Michonne, and I live." I said pointing to the house.

"Cute." She smiled.

"Oh and my little sister, Judith too." I added.

"Omg, you have a kid sister!?" She squealed.

"Yeah. Do you wanna meet her?"

"Yeah! Duh!" She said with a huge smile.

I brought her in the house and up to my room.

"Just sit here and I'll go get her." I said pointing to the bed.

She sat down and I went to get Judy.


Julie's POV:

Carl was a very nice boy. Quite cute too. His crystal blue eyes shown in the sunlight. The long brown curls that fell just below his shoulders. That silly hat he wears. His pointed jawline, the freckles that sprinkled his face. It was all very mesmerizing. And oh God that smile of his. I knew the second I saw it it would get me in some of trouble eventually.

"Here she is."

I looked up to see the cutest baby I've seen for a while now. I stood up and looked at her little face.

"Oh my gosh. She's adorable." I said smiling.

I looked up to Carl not realizing how close we actually were in that moment. I could feel my cheeks burning red with blush.

"Oh, uh. Sor-" I got cut off.

"Carl!?" A yell from downstairs called. "Carl!? You up there!?"

Carl looked at me. He handed Judith to me. I was surprised cause we had only known each other for a couple hours now. But here I was holding his kid sister.

Carl Grimes × Reader- short stories &lt;3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن