Friday night is music night

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Amani and Reginald finished their photography project, which turned out beautifully with my sister as the star of the show , Reginald standing behind her slightly out of focus crumbling a barley cake over her black hair and Ronald and I tossing confetto in the air right in front of the camera lens  , it looked as though it was raining sugared almonds and dried cranberries, all set with a woodsy background with a sepia coloring.

They got an A, and Amani was happy to have made a new friend, so she thought.

The phone rang 5 times before Reggie answered


He sounded confused as I'd he'd no idea who would be calling him.

"Hi Reggie, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go to the roller rink this weekend? Anesha and Ron could join us , might be fun"

Amani chimed nervously twirling the phone cord around her pointer finger , she hoped she didn't sound as little as she felt.

"Oh .... Uh.."

Reggie began , amani sank. That was never a good response, it was already a no

"Listen amani, I really enjoyed working with you but I was mostly just trying for a good grade, you and I don't have anything in common , I just wanted the A.... Sorry.."

Oh god a 'but' why did there have to be a 'but'

"That's ok!"

Amani interrupted quickly , she couldn't bare to hear the rest of that sentence

"Sorry to bother you Reggie, goodbye"

She hung up the phone before Reggie could say another word. How fucking embarrassing. How fucking embarrassing. She'd have to move schools, she'd have to move towns , out of England all together. She'd have to Kill herself just end it all right this very minute, she couldn't have felt anymore exposed and vulnerable if she'd stood naked in the dead middle of town square on a Saturday afternoon.

She deflated into her chair and regretted the last three minutes of her life. Why did she have to call him?? Why couldn't she just leave well enough alone. Just see him at school and move on with life , no, amani had to go and try to get close to him. He's nice and attractive she thought , why not give it a shot? THIS IS WHY this is why not give it a fucking shot you stupid stupid stupid stupid-

She smacked her hands on the sides of her head.

How will she live this one down? Let the record show this was the first and last time amani Coleman came on to a man.


That weekend , a Saturday morning , a dull gray Saturday morning , amani was working her usual tent at the Bethnal green farmers market, she sold flowers and produce for an old lady who grew them in her yard. She wasn't in good enough shape to sit out in the heat all day at these markets so amani did the selling and the Lady cut her a fee from the takings for her time and effort. Every weekend there was a man that would come to the tent and buy a few bunches of lavender

"Hello darling"

He smiled , arriving at the same time as usual

"Hi chuck"

Amani chimed closing the book she was reading and walking over to the lavender bunches

"Three bunches here for ya"

She added with a smile

"They smell beautiful this week"

He said bringing a sprig to his nose

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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