A Black's Freedom

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"The Wizengamot of Wizarding England has gathered today, on the fifth of August nineteen ninety three for the trial of Lord Sirius Orion Black of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. Defending the Accused is Solicitor Andromeda Tonks of Tonks & Nott Law firm. Acting as Prosecutor is Evan Belby. Acting as Judge is Madame Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. I, Owen Ambrosius, will be acting as Chief Warlock due to conflict of interest between current Chief Warlock Albus Dumbledore and the Accused." Owen Ambrosius, as the head of the second most powerful sect in the Wizengamot was standing in for Albus Dumbledore as Chief Warlock since Dumbledore had been one of the people to sentence Sirius the first time. Albus was not allowed to interfere in the trial and was only allowed to watch from his Family's seat on the second lowest floor (as the Dumbledore Family were only a lower family with no nobility). Altair Potter was also, unfortunately, unable to vote on this case due to conflict of interest, as well as Narcissa Black who was acting as the Proxy of the House of Black. They were both, however, allowed to sit in on the proceedings as they both had seats on the Wizengamot. Harry and Lynette were also there, alongside the members of 'The Alliance' who were heirs to Ancient Houses, as they all wanted to observe the proceedings.

"Acting as Jury are Lord Lucius Malfoy, Lord Theodoric Nott, and Lord Benjamin Parkinson from the Dark Alliance, Lord Edmund Greengrass, Lord Evander Selwyn, and Lady Ainsley Macmillan from the Grey Alliance, and Lord Ellis Abbott, Dowager Lady Augusta Longbottom, and Lord Finnick Shacklebolt from the Light Alliance." Those mentioned were all sitting next to each other in a portion of the room, and nodded their heads in confirmation to the announcement.

From then the trial proceeded, and it was obvious to everyone which side was winning. Madame Tonks was known for her brutality in the court and never losing a case, and she was even more brutal that day due to the fact that her cousin was the one on trial. The trial only took two hours, one of the shortest trials to happen in magical Britain's history, and in the end, after thirty short minutes of debating, Sirius Black was found innocent of all charges, due to in part his willingness to testify under Veritaserum potion, which enabled the truth to be shared to all that attended, and later to the whole wizarding world. Peter Pettigrew was announced as a wanted criminal, and everyone was asked to report to the DMLE if he was seen as he was considered armed and dangerous.

While everything was happening, one man stood at the very end of the visitor's area, looking over the event quietly. The figure was covered from head to toe in black, with a hood on his head that didn't show anything of his face except light grey eyes that looked almost silver in certain lighting. He watched everything that happened closely, and made sure to commit the faces of those that had voted against Sirius's innocence. After making sure that the man was proven innocent of all charges, he turned on his heal and headed back to his apartment, he did still have a lot of work to do.


After the trial, everyone gathered in Potter Manor to celebrate Sirius's innocence. While everyone was either drinking, eating or indulging in conversation with those gathered, two women and one girl were huddled together, discussing something important.

"I invited him to the party but he said he was busy." One of the women gathered, the elegant and fierce Lady Narcissa Black-Malfoy, said quietly with a tone that indicated her extreme exasperation.

"I promise, if he doesn't come and show his living face to his brother, I'm going to drag him here myself." The youngest of the three, Heiress Lynette Ambrosius, said in annoyance. The other two nodded their heads in agreement at the threat, as they'd be right behind her.

As the party continued, a sudden knock on the manor's door alerted everyone to a guest.

"Who could that be?" Harry asked, not noticing Lynette share a look with the two Black women in the room.

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