The Legendary Escape Of Sirius Black

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A month after going to live with his uncle, Harry woke up in his room in Potter Manor and did the routine he's been doing since he had come to live in the manor. He got up, washed his teeth and went downstairs to the informal dining room to eat the breakfast that would be served by Dippy, one of the five house elves that worked in the manor who was also the kitchen elf. There was also Linny and Ally the cleaning elves, Winxy the head elf, and Griz the garden elf. He had been surprised at first when they'd introduced themselves to him and they'd been wearing uniforms with the Potter Family Crest instead of the dirty pillowcase that Dobby had been wearing when he'd met him. When he'd asked, Altair had told him that Harry's grandfather, Lord Charlus Potter, had asked them to make their own uniforms and so it wasn't him giving them clothes, which had made sense to Harry.

As soon as he'd gotten to the dining room, he knew that this day wasn't going to go like his normal Tuesdays, as instead of being greeted by his uncle's smiling face, he was greeted by the sight of the man (fondly nicknamed Star by his father and the name just sticking until now) looking grim as he read the Daily Prophet, Magical England's number one newspaper.

"Star? Everything okay?" Harry asked with a worried tone.

"Hmm." Altair hummed, seeming to snap out of his thoughts at the sound of his precious nephew's voice and turning to smile in his direction. "Oh, good morning Harry. Yes, everything is fine."

Harry went to sit down beside his uncle and looked at the newspaper in his hands. On the cover page was the picture of a man who looked deranged, in prison clothes and frowning in Harry's direction.

"Who's that?" He asked, pointing at the crazy man.

"That-well that's Sirius Black, he escaped Azkaban Prison last night. He's the first person to do so." Altair explained, muttering something under his breath that sounded like 'of course he'd do it.'

"Wow, but why are you looking so worried about this, we have nothing to do with him, do we...?" Harry said, trailing off in hesitation at the end at the look on his uncle's face.

"Well..." Altair trailed off, not knowing how to explain this to his already traumatized and still healing nephew. "We do have something to do with him." Altair took a deep breath before continuing at Harry's confused expression.

"I promised to always be honest with you, and to never hide anything from you unless it was necessary and I'd give you a reason if that were the case, correct?" He started slowly, getting a nodded from a still confused Harry, who didn't know where this conversation was going. "Well, Sirius Black was imprisoned for the murder of thirteen people and being an accomplice to the murder of two others. All of this happened in the span of twelve hours on the thirty first of October, nineteen eighty one." This gave a clue as to what related Harry to this man, and he was scared for Altair to continue but knew he had to listen to the whole story.

"Sirius Black is Padfoot Harry." Harry gasped in shock at this. "He's the godfather who's name you have a as a middle name."

Altair hesitated, he didn't know if he should continue, but he pushed forward. "He was believed to have been your parents' secret keeper, the only person who could reveal their location. It was believed that he betrayed James and Lily to Voldemort and so they were killed, which made people suspect that he was a Death Eater and thus he was sent to prison. On the morning of the first of November, Peter Pettigrew who was Wormtail cornered Sirius in a muggle street, shouted that he killed James for all to hear before the street was blown up, twelve mundane dying in the process along with Peter, whose finger and bloody robes were the only things that were found of him. Sirius was sent to Azkaban the next day and the story of his guilt was publicized in the Daily Prophet."

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