Getting out of the Shell

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The next morning Noah woke up before Y/N. Not wanting to freak her out he quickly and quietly left the room and softly closed the door behind him. As he was pushing the door closed he turned around and was met with Ellis. "What are you doing?" he asks in a serious tone.

"Uh.. uh, was just returning her pencil. She dropped it yesterday, so." Noah quickly says

"With your book?" Ellis asks him, looking at the book in his hands.

Noah looks down at the book, "I guess I did. Ha ha." He replies, nervously. 

Ellis looks at him suspiciously, "alright, move out the way, I gotta talk to her." he says

"No!" Noah says quickly, "I mean she is still asleep, y'know didn't want to wake her up." Noah covers up. He knew she didn't want Ellis to know what happened yesterday as she explained yesterday. And he technically didn't lie, she was still asleep.

Ellis looks at him with raised eyebrows, "alright." he says and walks off. Noah let out a breath that he didn't know that he was holding and relaxed as he walked into the room his bed is.


Fatima walked into the room and Julie was putting flowers in a vase and Noah continued to read. "Those are pretty." Fatima compliments

"Right?" Noah looks up from his book at the flowers.

"I see, flowers." he states as he looks back at his book. The girls roll their eyes at this comment and continue with their conversation, ignoring him.

"You have a good eye, Ms Matthews." Fatima says

"Oh, I just found them like this." Julie comments

"Like what?"

"Arranged like this. They were on the porch on the side of the house." Julie says turning to Fatima for a second then turning back to the flowers.

"Well, it seems we have a phantom florist running around." Fatima says smiling

"Oooh Julie got a secret admirer." Noah taunts. Julie turns to him.

"Yeah, and how's your love life going again." she replies

"Better than yours. I have actually spoken to the one I admire." he comments teasingly.

Fatima turns to him, "oh that's right. How did it go?" she asks excitedly.

Noah looks at her from his book, "well i did take your advice and just started speaking and I know she was listening because she spoke to me." he says happily

"What did she say?" the girls asked excitedly

"'Black'" he quotes with a wide smile and then looks at the girls, Fatima had a smile still and Julie looked confused.

"That's one word," she looked even more confused.

"That's huge for her. Even that one word is great." Fatima says happily. She then grabs the siblings by the arms and pulls them up, "come on, it's laundry day." she says as he pulls them out of the room.


The trio were outside taking stuff off of the clothes line and messing around again. Julie and Fatima were talking about all different types of clothes on one side of the clothes line while Noah was standing on the other side just listening, completely lost and started chucking clothes at Julie to annoy her. They all turned at the sound of footsteps and saw Y/N walking towards them with her own basket ready to help. She goes over to the side that Noah was on and starts taking off clothes for the bottom line as she was a bit short for the top one. Fatima looks at Noah with a smirk, "hey Y/N." she says, causing the girl to look at her for a second then look back down and continue taking off clothes softly folding them before putting them in her basket. "How did you sleep?" Fatima asks the girl. The girl freezes with her hand on a piece of clothing for a second. She nods her head softly in reply and continues taking clothing off the line. Fatima then turns back to Julie and they start talking about different clothes again.

Noah decided that he wanted to try something, he wanted to see if he could get a sign of happiness from the girl. So he took a shirt off of the line and dropped it on top of the girl's head, completely blocking her view. "Oops." he says playfully, this catches the attention of the other girls to see the events unfold. "Didn't see you down there, sorry about that." she takes the shirt off of her head and starts rolling it up. Thinking he failed, Noah turns back to take something else off of the line when the shirt suddenly hits him in the face, startling him. Fatima and Julie start laughing at the stupid look and Noah's face. He turns to the girl beside him with the same shocked expression, this causes the girl to clasp a hand over her mouth to not laugh too loudly but giggles pass over her hand. This causes Noah to smile triumphantly, "oh you think that's funny?" the girl nods her head with her hand still over her mouth as she continues to giggle. "Okay you got me back. Now we are even, truce?" he says, holding out his hand for her to shake. She looks at his outstretched hand for a second before slowly joining their hands and shaking them. They both released their hands and went back to folding the clothes. Fatima looked at the exchange with a big smile, happy that the girl was getting better at trusting people. Fatima trusted Noah not to hurt the girl, the problem was how Ellis would react. It's not that Ellis didn't trust Noah. it was more that Ellis was very overprotective of the girl he thought of as a sister. He remembered what she was like the first time they met and didn't want anything bad to happen to her, not again. 

really short chapter, oh well. 

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