Chapter 14 - You Want To Please Me

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Felicity's POV

So Robert has been calling me nonstop for the past few days, trying to convince me to go for the audition. I've turned him down every time, it's just not for me, it's not my thing.

"I can't believe you've forgiven that douche after he spent the past few weeks pretending that you didn't exist" Matt growled out at me. Rolling my eyes, I continue dusting and cleaning, not facing Matt.

"It wasn't like that Matt, he had his reasons" Matt spins me round to face him, raising his brows at me.
"No reason is good enough for ignoring a girl like you Flick"

Dropping my duster and polish on the floor I huff, "You really need to drop this new jealousy thing Matthew, it doesn't suit you"
Returning to my cleaning products, I pick them up and head for the door before I am spun back around again. Jeez, does he have to keep doing that?!

"Hey, I'm not done talking to you. I really don't like this new attitude that you're developing" he lets out in an almost disappointed voice.
Letting out a harsh laugh, I glare at him "What are you? My dad? And for your information I'm done talking to you if all you're going to do is lecture me about how I should drop Robert"
With that, I walk out of the room and slam the door shut.


Later on that day, I find myself in my room, scrolling down my Twitter and Facebook feed. I see all the hopeless fans, begging celebrities for a tweet or a follow from them. You used to be one of those hopeless fans too my brain chimes out at me. Shaking my head, I carry on reading. Wow, Robert really does have it all, money, fame, fans that would go to hell for him. Is that what I want from life? Truth is, I'm not so sure if I want to keep on living the life I'm living.

Beep beep beep

My laptop catches my attention.

Incoming Skype call from BobbydowneyJr

Clicking the answer button, Robert's face pops up on the screen.

"Hey pretty lady" Robert chirps with a cheesy grin. Sending him a cheesy grin back, I pick up my drink and have a sip.
"Hey Rob, I really needed that smile"

"Is Matt being a dick again?" Robert's eyes darken as he thinks about Matt.
Chewing on my bottom lip, I quieten my voice "Well he's not really being a dick, he's just wanting to know why I'm talking to you again after you didn't contact me for a bit"

Monty, Robert's cat, hops onto his chest and into the picture. Petting his head, he purrs into the microphone for me to hear, making me let out an 'aww' at the cute little noise.
"He misses you too you know" Robert speaks up. "Did you tell Matt the reason why I didn't call?"

Hearing footsteps near my door, I hold a finger up to my mouth signalling Robert to shush. When the footsteps disappear I let out a breath. "Give his little furry face a kiss for me please. I didn't exactly tell him why you didn't call, I just sort of told him that you had a good reason not to"

Bending down, he picks Monty up and plants an exaggerated kiss on his little head, making me giggle.
"I get it Flick, you don't want to tell Matt about my offer because you're thinking about accepting it aren't you?"

Looking away from the screen, I take another drink, my mouth suddenly feeling very dry.

"Am I wrong?" Robert asks in his stupid sexy voice, making me look back at him.

"I don't think it's a good idea that I accept it, I don't even know what the movie is about!" I cry.

Sitting himself up, I glance at Roberts cool Bruce Lee T-Shirt and how fitted it is on his arms, showing off his biceps. Noticing me looking, he lifts his arms and flexes them for me, making me turn beet red.
"What's so bad about it? Just think of all the fun we could have! I'd help you with learning your script, we'd be living set life together! There would be people to dress you and do your make up, good food every day and I know how much you love your food!"

Taking a breath, he continues "Think about how much money it could make you if they gave you the part Felicity, you could finally help your folks out. This could be the career for you, you don't want to be dressing Matt forever do you?"

Dammit Robert, stop making me think!

"You know you want to Felicity, don't overthink things" Robert whispers into the camera with a sincere look on his face.

"You know what, fine. I'll go to the stupid audition if it will shut you up, but it's not like I'm gonna get the part anyway" I huffed, looking away from his smug face.

"Great! Well your flight leaves in 3 days, the audition is at the end of next week, so start packing!" Robert yells out happily, flailing his arms around like a dork.

I smile at his dorkiness, only for it to drop when his words sink in.
"Wait a minute, you already booked my flight?"

Nodding his head eagerly, he shows off his boyish smile.
"Yep, don't worry about learning your lines for the audition either because I'm gonna help you"

"What made you so sure that I would agree to your offer?" Robert couldn't have been too certain that I would say yes after I had already turned him down the first time.

A smirk, slowly makes its way onto Robert's face. "Because my dear Felicity, you want to please me"
Laughing a little at himself, he continues "After I called you the first time, you were so worried that I didn't want to be your friend anymore, that I knew you wouldn't turn down my offer"

Scoffing at his reply, I shake my head at him "Cocky much?"
Sending wink my way, Robert stands up and leans his face right down to the camera, "What are you doing still talking to me?! Get packing"

Robert abruptly ends the Skype call, leaving me to find my suitcase.

What have I gotten myself into.

Authors note:

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Looks like Felicity is heading back to LA! Do you think Matt will be happy with her going back over there?

I think you guys will really like the next couple of chapters that I will be writing ;)

Hope you all had a good weekend, please leave your feedback.

Thanks :)

What life has planned (Robert Downey Jr. Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora