You thought it was a log, but it was i! A combat chapter!

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(A/N: screw it I'm giving them all special weaponry.)

"Void 1 to Air Controller, beginning sweep of the air space...release the swarm." A certain ADFX-02 Morgan was flying, in a black and red scheme.
"Affirmative, deploying drone's, be aware that Osean jets will also see us as unknown, check IFF before engaging." 12 F14D drone's linked up with the lone aircraft.

                                                    |               Enemy Pilot               |     
                                                   "Hey, do you see that on RADAR?"
And just like that 7 MLAA's impacted a poor Su-57.
"Oh god! Who took that shot!?"
"Unknown IFF signatures! Are they mercenaries?"
"Don't know, just take them out like the Osean-"
And just like that, a laser cuts three aircraft in half.

"Trigger, we've got 13 bogies heading to you and spare squadron! Our squadrons AWACS won't respond anymore!"

"What the hell? Who are these guys! There's 12 F14D's but another looks like an old belkan design!"
"Could belka be involved in this war?!"
"Clearly not, have you seen the world map?"

"Trigger, these aircraft are mostly drones, I'll leave those to you, everyone else take down the manned aircraft, it's possible it's controlling them."

"Void 1 to Air Controller, begin combat scenario, deploy a manned squadron just incase they have EMP's."
"Affirmative, Aegir Squadron deploying."
8 F18 Super Hornets took off.

Trigger wasn't expecting to survive, APPARENTLY bringing an A10 to this mission was a good idea, i mean, the Oseans already expected only 5 aircraft to fight them here, maybe 7 if they were really unlucky.
Right now? These F14D's were REALLY getting annoying, the last two keep copying his every movement.
He finally gunned them both down after 12 seconds of dogfighting.

"Trigger, it seems you are the only one doing any work around here, that manned aircraft has some friends, and they all seem to be concerning in skill."

"Bandog! Why can't we just retreat and get this over with!"

"Count, i don't remember YOU taking down 12 drone's by yourself, how about you cool off in solitary after this?"

"I bet this guys an ace, his movements aren't predictable, he's clearly using advanced methods to dodge or line us up to one of the other aircraft. He almost never faces us head on...strangely enough."

"I am currently looking for it's schematics in the Osean database, standby spare squadron."

"Oh so NOW you're looking!? Not after we lost two pilots and our enemy effectively being massacred before they knew what happened?"

"Get too chatty and you'll die, focus on survivng and maybe you won't go to solitary."

"Air Controller to Void 1, we've gathered enough combat data, withdraw."
"Aye, let's leave with a bang, shall we?"
A large missile dropped from the left wing, before heading towards a random spare squadron pilot.

"Spare Squadron, high yield projectile launched! Evade the blast zone!"

"Oh god!-"
It was already too late, one of the pilots were caught in a massive explosion.

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