The endless field

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As I walk threw this endless field, I think to myself, "how did I get here" "when did I get here". I was sleeping in my bed and next thing you know I'm here. In these endless plains. "Maybe this is a dream" I think to myself. " I couldn't have possibly just teleported here, that's impossible". I say. I continue walking the trail. It won't end. It just keeps going and going and going. I start getting cold. I feel a strike of pain run down my back. I jump forward in fear. "Hello?!" I yell. I get no reply. I guess that would be obvious since this is a dream. But why does it all feel so real. My back still hurts badly. It feels as if a knife had been dragged down my spine.

I feel eyes watching me from all over. It's been hours. I'm still walking the trail. I'm tired, thirsty, and hungry. I'm starting to feel as if this isn't a dream any longer. I've pinched and hit myself countless times and I still haven't awoken. No, this isn't a dream. This is reality. "But what reality" I ask myself. How did I get here, how do I get out. I need help.

"PLEASE SOMEONE, IS ANYONE OUT THERE, HELP, IM LOST" I scream as loud as I can. I haven't got a reply. I've been screaming for so long.

I'm still walking. It's been two days now. I feel eyes on me at all times, I hear screams, I keep seeing figures. I think I'm going crazy... I need help. There's been howls, screams, other people yelling for help. Yet I can never find the source of these noises. I keep trying to convince myself that I'm just hearing things. I don't think that's the case anymore. There are people or no, not people, creatures, there are creatures here. They're stalking me. They're hunting for me. I've been leading them right to me with my screams of help. They're trying to lead me to them. But no maybe there are others that got stuck here like me. I don't know what to think anymore, I'm going out of my mind.

I here more screaming. This time it's closer. I see the figure screaming. It looks like a child. She's yelling for her mom. She needs help. I need to help her. "HEY ARE YOU OK?!" I shout. "HELP ME PLEASE!" The little kid shouts. "IM COMING" I yell. "HURRY PLEASE, THEY'RE GOING TO BE HERE ANY MINTUE" the kid screams. I run faster but I'm confused. What's gonna be here any minute. I stop in my tracks looking at the child in terror. I watch as she screams for her life while her insides are being torn right out of her stomach. What is going on.. what are those.. why is this happening. I drop to the ground. "I'm sorry I didn't make it in time". I get up. I need to run before they get me. I turn around and my heart drops. Those things that got her are right in front of me. They're coming for me now. I'm next. I'm going to die. "I'm not giving up, I can't give up". I will make it out of here. I turn around and run as fast as I possibly can. I run in the opposite directions of both of the creatures. One of them starts running at me. The other stops eating the child and it looks at me. We make eye contact. As we make eye contact I feel the coldest shiver come over me. I stop running. I fall to the ground. My legs have gone numb. My breath is shaky. "I'm gonna die..." I start to cry. I don't want to die. I really don't want to... I wish I never said I wanted to die before. I regret saying that. I had so much to live for. Now that I don't want to die...Im actually going to......
My parents, my cat. I'll miss you all. I look up into the sky as the creatures thrust their claws into my stomach.
The End

The endless field (mini horror story)Where stories live. Discover now