Chapter 13

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  Authors Note: I apologize In advance- I can't write fighting scenes to save my life. :)

  Konohamaru face lit up in a small smile when he reached their designated meeting spot the next morning. Boruto, Sarada and Menma were already there talking amongst themselves. Well, Menma was laughing and Sarada and Boruto looked ready to annihilate each other, bickering animatedly.
    Menma spotted him first and waved over at the Brunette, “G’Morning Konohamaru-Sensei!” The other two looked behind them and waved as well. Konohamaru waved back and made his way to them.

    “Morning,” he replied, “I’ve got good news for you guys.”

    “Really,” Boruto raised an eyebrow, “What is it?”

    “You guys got a mission! Well, it’s still D-rank but still,” Konohamaru clarified. Sarada smiled. 

    “What do we have to do?”

    “The Hokage Naruto has assigned us to go out to the woods to help an old lady with her garden.”

    “Who has a garden in the woods?” Boruto made a face.

    “It’s more of a clearing in the woods with a garden,” Konohamaru explained, “The house is just outside the village. Are you ready to go?” 



    “I thought you said this stupid house was just outside the village,” Boruto complained, “it’s been over an hour since we left the village. How much longer?”

    “Stop whining Boruto,” Sarada snapped, “No one wants to hear it.”

    Boruto blew a raspberry at her. Her eye twitched in annoyance before she moved to smack him upside the head. Menma stepped in between them, ever the mediator. “Stop fighting guys, please.”

    Konohamaru frowned. Boruto was right. The assignment really said just outside the village; he didn’t think they were even in Konohagakure territory anymore. Something wizzed past his ear and abruptly stopped, whipping his head to his right as soon as the object hit a tree. It was a kunai. Konohamaru immediately pulled out his own and back up towards the three genins. 

    “Stay alert,” he ordered, as more kunais started to fly. The trio pulled out their own weapons and got into defensive positions. The four of them circled together, backs to each other as they eyes the underpass cautiously. Masked Ninja fell to the ground from above and started sending more attacks their way. Konohamaru used his kunai to block another heading for his face. It was a trap, and they had walked right into it. They were surrounded.
    “I give you permission to fight back,” Konohamaru yelled, the genins already blocking every kunai coming their way. Once grazed Menma’s leg and he hissed in pain. 

    One Ninja lunged at Konohamaru and the two started fighting, the other Ninjas aiming for the twelve-year-olds. Menma broke away from the other two and doged a punch, shooting his kunai at the back of the Ninja who attacked him. It grazed the mans shoulder. Menma should have practiced his aiming better at home. 
Sarada and Boruto got dragged into their own personal battles, which Konohamaru helped with once he finally got rid of the Ninjas who attacked him. The three of them were already covered in bruises and cuts.
Menma dodged another attack at him and shot another Kunai, this one hitting the target squarely in the shoulder. The man barely flinched before he pulled it out. Menma continued to shoot Kunais at the Ninja, making shadow clones to try and throw him off. Nothing seemed to work. Menma couldn’t even call for help since everyone else was busy with their own group of Ninjas. This one seemed after him, personally.
Menma ran out of Kunais as soon as Konohamaru made his way to him, finally done with the group that had attacked his other two students. The brunette reached the Ninja just as he threw a final Kunai, immediately hitting the pressure point on his neck that would knock him out. He stood over the mans body and panted. He turned his attention to the raven haired genin in front of him.

“Menma, are you okay,” he asked. The boy was pale, blood drained from his face, eyes wide in surprise as he cluched at his stomach. “Menma?” Menma stumbled back a bit as his legs started to fail him. He made to speak, but instead of words, blood trailed past his lips. Konohamaru immediately knew something was wrong.
The Sensei rushed over to the boy and grasped his shoulders, looking him over. “Menma!? Menma, where’d you get hit!?”
Menma slowly looked down and spread apart his hands. The hilt of a kunai appeared in Konohamarus vision as Menma stumbled again, this time bracing himself on his senseis shoulder. Konohamaru stared in horror at the hilt. That last Ninjas kunai had hit its target. 
Memes swayed as black spots filled his vision. He vaguely heard Saradas fearful screams, Borutos worried yelling, and Konohamarus urgent instructions before he passed out.

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