
Izuku took one step before he jumped back slightly.

"...Izumi. I-I know that we both said some things an, I just want to apologize, we can both be heroes just like you wanted."

Izuku smiled softly remembering that day. It was before they went to the quirk doctor. Izumi stated that they will both be great heroes, that no villain could stand a chance against them.


Izuku looked at Izumi as her eyes, they were slightly red, and she was frowning.

"D-Don't..just stop. Why do you always have to be such a pain."

Izuku took another step before Izumi flicked her finger, a small gust of air shot out, Izuku took the small gust head on as he remained unfazed.

"Why...do you always have to play hero!"

He tried to speak but Izumi continued.

"I hate it! You are quirkless! Quirk-Less! No quirk whatsoever! Nothing! How can a damn nobody become a hero!?"

Izumi stared at Izuku as his face portrayed his emotions. He was being compassionate and tried reconnecting with his sister, taking Buddha's words to heart.

"Through hard work and determination Izumi. I worked hard to get where I am today, and the people I met along the way, made me the man I am today."

Izumi stood in place as Izuku continued to speak.

"I made friends. I made enemies that want to kill me. An I made promises I am not sure I can keep. But I am not going to let my sister become a stranger."

Izumi simply turned away and began walking. Izuku knew it would take time, maybe even years before she accepts he is strong, but he would wait for that day. Mina jumped onto his back and his smile reappeared as Kyouka planted a kiss on his cheek with Setsuna being on his shoulders.

From afar Izumi watched Izuku smiling. Her fist tightened before she walked away.

'Can't you see why I'm mad Izuku?'

A stray tear was wiped away before it fell.

'I want to stand by your side, I want to fight with you by my side, but its obvious you don't need my help.'

Izumi left UA's grounds and went home, to the Bakugo household.


A man with dark gray skin was walking fast to a room full of laughter. He grit his teeth in anger upon hearing it. The man kicked the double doors down as he spoke.

"You damn idiots! Why the hell are you lot laughing! That fucker is still alive!"

A man with short brown hair dressed like a pastor stood up and approached him.

"Adamas, for once, can't you see? We have succeeded in exploiting the fool. We now know who he cares and respects for, which brings you into play."

Adamas, the Roman God of Conquest, listenend to the man. He grit his teeth as a human was brought into the room in a tank that was filled with medical equipment.

"Do you really think I am gonna rely on some damn fucking human Beelzebub!? Do you take me for some fucking joke?!"

Beelzebub, or in other words The Devil, remained calm as he spoke.

"Nothing of the sort Adamas, the human is merely a distraction, your job is to eliminate the boy by any means necessary. Even if it means holding one hostage."

Adamas grit his teeth before smirking, he couldn't ever understand Beelzebub, but damn it if he didn't know how well he knew him.

"Fine. Where am I stopping by first?"

This time an old man with white hair and white beard and mustache gave Adamas a picture of a bar somewhere in Kamino Ward.

"What is this for?"

"Hohoho! That's your first stop, enlist some recruits, or join under falsehood. They need some help you see, they plan to kill the boy's father. An might I say, they are quite close to succeeding."

Adamas internally wanted to shout and yell at him but held his tongue. It would be foolish to fight his youngest brother, Zeus.

"Fine! That doesn't mean I'll like it, but if it means for the glory of us Gods, so be it."

Adamas picked up his scythe and walked out of the room. Beelzebub went back to a lab while Zeus leaned back in his chair. A picture of Izuku smiling with his classmates was shown, another, being of the USJ. Zeus laughed once more before he spoke.

"Well Shiva, it's time to put your little student to the test! What shall dear Izuku Yagi do now? Hahahahaha!!"

Laughter echoed throughout where he resided, and that was the home of the Gods, Valhalla.

To be Continued.

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