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Start from the beginning

Why he would go out with Marcel so much, why he wasn't telling me things. He wants to be "King" and take back New Orleans. Sure, I love Marcel but I love my family more. So that makes them my top priority.

"You compelled the blonde bartender." I said in realization and Nik nods at me before walking over to the vampire that's still alive from the pile and snatching him up.

"And this one- I'm gonna drain him of vervain, compel him to believe his mates found religion and moved to Utah, so that he can explain to Marcel why he lost three more vampires tonight." He says and I snorted.

"Religion in Utah? Surely you can do better then that?" I teased playfully with raised eyebrows and I see a small smile tug at his lips before it disappears before he turns around and drags the vampire into the house; with Rebekah, Hayley and I trailing not so far behind him.

"Does anyone have any more questions?." Klaus asked, when we all don't respond he continues his rant.

"No? Good, because I have a question. Hayley, what were you doing in the bloody French Quarter in the first place? Answer me!" He shouts at her as I wondered the same thing.

"Yeah, what we're you doing there?" I pushed and I see that same expression from earlier, the one that resembles guilt, runs cross over her face.

"Leave her be." Beks tells my twin and I sigh, knowing that he won't listen.

"You wanna know what I was doing? I was buying poison, so I could put your little baby out of its misery." The werewolf tells us and my eyes widened.

Shit's about to go down, is what ran through my mind. Nik may not show it the best, but he wants that baby. I knew it the second he decided 'every king needs an heir' speech.

My twin runs at her without hesitation, pins her to the door by the neck and she gasps for air as he kept her in a tight hold.

"Nik! NIK!" Bekah shouts, running at him with vampire speed and pushes him but he pushes her back so hard, she flies back, her body hitting the floor with a loud thump.

Deciding that the situation is getting out of hand I step in before he kills Hayley and his unborn child he so dearly wants to protect. I sped up to him, grabbed him by the shoulders and flung him across the room.

I hear Hayley cough and splutter behind me. Nik gets up and starts to charge at her once again so I speed in front of them, a serious look spread across my face.

"Don't make me snap every limb in your body, Klaus." I threatened and he takes a step back, knowing that even though I don't want to hurt him, I would if it came down to it.

"All of this bluster about not wanting the child, and then the second she tells you she's ready to get rid of it? It's okay to care. It's okay to want something. That's all Elijah was trying to do, all he's ever wanted for you. All we've ever wanted." Bekah says behind me, careful not to walk past me and risk ending up on the wrong side of his toxic Hybrid teeth.

I see Nik calm down and he sits down on the stairs. I sit beside him and I took his hand in my own. I give a squeeze of support and he give a squeeze of gratitude.

"I gave Elijah to Marcel." Nik admits softly and my eyes grew at his words.

"What?" Bekah and I ask in unison, disbelief coating our tones. Is he stupid or something?

DECODE • DAVINA CLAIREWhere stories live. Discover now