Part 7: Archery Lesson

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You wore a a darker blue robe that was thicker than your usual one to keep you warm out in the snow. It was similar to the Samurai's as he stood by in the snow holding your bow and arrow at a trees. Hooking the string back to your chin.



You let go of the arrow and it flies and dives down into the snow instead of the dormant tree bark.

Goeman: You just have to raise your arms a little higher, your aim is too low.

Y/N: Okay.

You pull another arrow out from your pack slung around you, lifting your bow up you pull back the arrow with the string. Aiming at the tree as best as you could.

Firing the arrow you missed again, and you muttered irritated at yourself.

Goeman: You won't get it on the first try, but that's alright. Again.

Pulling another arrow from your pack you pull back the string. Then...Goeman assisted you, raising your arm up holding the bow, lifted your chin, adjusts your hand holding back the arrow, and lifts your elbow up.

Goeman: And now...release.

You shot the arrow from your bow, it flew and slammed into the tree bark. Goeman nods his head with a smile.

Goeman: Very excellent job.

Y/N: Wow~ *you were astonished*

Goeman: Let's see you try it again without my adjustments.

You took another arrow out of your pack and pull back the arrow on the string to your jaw. Holding the bow steady as you could, your fingers release the arrow again and it shoots and just takes a side of the tree, but not right in the middle.

Goeman: Just off center with that one, but it's definitely an improvement.

You try again pulling back another arrow and shooting it at the tree. The arrow stuck in the tree bark this time next to your previous arrow.

Goeman: Mmhm *he nods his head* know that practice makes improvement, practice does not make you perfect. Not even I am perfect.

Y/N: A little bit of the wind moves the arrow direction of flight.

Goeman: Yes indeed, which is why aiming higher or lower than where your target currently is lies with wind pulling your arrow a different way. Up or Down, any way you think of based upon the breezes' direction.

Y/N: Chilling winds if you ask me

Goeman chuckled: Indeed, but once you practice more in temperatures your not used to, you'll become accustomed to it. 

Y/N: There's something that I saw in the Alpha wolves eyes *you began*

Goeman: Go on.

Y/N: It was fiery rage, it's eyes were red and it's jaws were already dripping with crimson blood like it had eaten something already.  It was almost like it wasn't a normal wolf but a—

Goeman: Beast.  Yes I understand.

Y/N: What does it mean?

Goeman closed his eyes and spoke partially in Japanese

Goeman: Shi to chi to honō to akuma... Death, Blood, Fire and Demons.  It is obscure on how they behave in wild animals, but when they do, their own savagery of the devil possesses them. 


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