Part 16: Fear of Birth

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It had been about eight months later, and your stomach had gotten quite large and round.  Carrying you and your husbands child within yourself.  Everyday it seemed like you were getting slower and slower along with a few back pains here and there. 


You had a difficult time walking up the steps back into the temple from walking around outside by the newly grown forest.  Goemon hurried down the steps and helps you, his hand caressed your back and his opposite one holding your hand.  He helped you up the steps in concern.

Goemon: Are you feeling alright?  You look lightheaded

Y/N: I just need some water that's all Go-Go.

Goemon: I'll get you some, please, I've placed a master bed into my room for the both of us and for you to rest, for a reason.  I insist you not cause any stress for yourself my love.

You kiss his cheek.

Y/N: Alright, Alright...I'll lie down.

You go to the master bedroom and lay upon the soft mattress and sit up against some soft pillows.  Goemon then brings in some water for you, sipping from the wooden cup.

Y/N: Thank You *you smiled softly*

Goemon: Do you need anything else?

You shook your head.

Y/N: Just you *you smiled softly as the highlight from the sun shone through the walls*

*Goemon then crawled into bed beside you as his hand caressed your stomach gently. He closed his eyes briefly*

Y/N: Don't tell me.

Goemon: Huh?

Y/N: You know the gender don't you? It's a skill your Sensei taught you when dealing with future wives or women that are pregnant.

Goemon nods politely: Very well, I won't say what the gender will be to spoil it for you. When the child is born I'll let it be a surprise for you.

He kissed your cheek once again and chuckled deeply.

Y/N: My back still hurts, but I guess it's just normal.

Goemon: Just as long as you rest and relax, your back should be okay for a short while.

Y/N: Have you ever had to deal with a pregnant woman?

Goemon nods: I did once for training to be future husband, as part of the entirety of learning the Shinto ways of being a Samurai. However I do fear and have great anxiety, but it is normal. This was just a villager woman I had to help when there was no hospital or midwife...

*Goemon lowered his head silently*

Goemon: She gave birth to a girl, but the mother died when I tried to help her. The child was completely unharmed, but the villager woman did not breathe, and she hyperventilated so much that it killed her. And her husband, blamed me for her death...I had to flee but the same man was furious, I couldn't do anything, I didn't want to fight him, he was too foolish to understand, but in the end I kept wondering if it really was my fault for not telling her to breathe during her baby delivery. Which is something that is still haunting me to this day as I am your husband, and you bearing my child.

You fell silent staring into the samurai's eyes. Taking his hand into yours, you squeezed it, and brush your thumb over his soft skin.

Y/N: Don't worry Go-Go~ I know your a very protecting and loving man. I will be fine.

He had a sort of adorable worrisome look upon his face, it was in deep concern for you. Caressing his cheek he sighs softly.

Goemon: You're very beautiful, I just want to make sure you and our child will be alright

Y/N: I think you'll be the best father ever, you'll teach our child how to be a very skilled and wise Samurai just as you are.  Of course we want our children to be a better version of ourselves as well.

Goemon: You are very much correct.  I intent to protect and train our child to be intelligent and wise.  There is no other way to put it. 

Y/N: Do you think those guys will come back and visit us?

Goemon: Lupin?

Y/N: Fujiko and Jigen too.

Goemon: Well of course, they surely would want to meet our new infant.

Y/N:  Laying here makes me feel like I can't do anything to be honest, I literally gotta watermelon in me.

Goemon chuckled with you at the little joke.

Goemon: Y/N, there is no other woman I'd have my child with than you.  Even my ancestors believe you are wise, worthy, and strong headed.  As my spouse, you truly are my Nagareboshi~

His eye glinted from the reflection of the sun through the thin shoji walls of the Temple. 

Goemon: My Shooting Star~ though I know what I've said earlier about not telling you about the gender reveal yes?

Y/N nods her head: Hai~ (Yes)

Goemon: There is something I do must mention about cutting a shooting star in half...

Y/N gasped, her eyes widened: Wait—wait a minute what are you talking about?

Goemon smiled softly:  One star cut into two within you my love~

You cover your mouth in surprise.

Y/N: You mean—! I'm having TWINS?

Goemon simply nods and kissed your cheek once again.

Goemon: Yes, though I won't tell you the genders remember?

Y/N: You never told me in your training you could sense there's two babies in a mother how can you tell?

Goemon shrugged:  The movement.

Y/N: That's it?

Goemon:  Yes.  Now you need some rest, I don't want to make you further worried or stressed.  I shall go and meditate for now, and I'll come and check in on you.  Do you need anything?

Y/N sighed: No, I'm alright.  I'm not really stressed out either, you always know how to calm my nerves Ishikawa~

He flushed red and sighed.

Goemon:  I do what I can to comfort you.

You stopped him from getting up and leaving the room.  He turned his attention back to you and you pulled him in close laying on your side.

Y/N:  Take a nap with me Go-Go.

He sighed softly and held you close in a tranquil, calming, and gentle cuddle.  He was mindful of the large baby bump between you and  himself.  He caressed your cheek and kissed you softly, brushing his fingers through you hair gently.












End Scene

Lupin the Third - Goemon's BladeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя