Chapter 1: Scrambling for a Meal

Start from the beginning

Briar then gently moved Grim's shoulder, "Grim, it's time to wake up!"

Grim continues to talk in his sleep, "That's right! Cower before me, teapot tyrant!" Then ends up waking up, "BWUH-MYAH?!"

Grim wakes up and sits down and looks around and asks, "...Huh? Where am I?"

Grim then turns to see Briar.

"Good morning, Grim," Briar says with a smile.

"Yeah. Morning," Grim says.

He then says to himself, "Aw, man! I was dreaming that I was trouncing Riddle with my magic. You shoulda seen his face..."

Briar giggles, I have to admit, that was a rough couple days. I'm still exhausted from what happened. But you won't get that strong by snoozing all day."

Grim then stands up with a grin, "All right, lemme just fix my it's off to class! I've got magic to master!"

Just then, Jasper and Tanzanite wake up from their sleep.

"Morning guys," Briar says.

"Good morning, Briar," Tanzanite says and puts on his glasses.

"Morning," Jasper says.

"Morning guys. It's time to wake up and start another day at school.

Jasper yawns, "Yeah."

"Yes. We should get dressed and get going," Tanzanite says.

"Right," Briar says.

She then says in her thoughts, "But still, what was that odd dream I just had? And why was I seeing animals in my dreams?"

Briar decides to ignore her thoughts and get ready for school.

Sometime later, in the school cafeteria, Briar and the others are accompanied by Ace and Deuce.

"Ugh. Professor Trein must have cast a sleepin' spell on me. I fought to stay awake, but he was sooo boring!" Grim says, feeling tired and bored.

"Yeah, 'fought,' sure. I heard you snoring five minutes in," Deuce replies.

Then Ace cheers, "Grub time! What's it gonna be today?"

"Yeah. I'm pretty hungry after taking P.E class," Jasper says.

Just then, Ace stops and says, "Huh, wait?"

"What's up Ace?" Briar asks.

Then Ace wonders, "What's going on? Why's it so crowded in here?"

Briar and the others look ahead to see a big crowd of people..

One of the cafeteria ghost employees announces, "That famous bakery from out of town is serving up their goods. It only happens once a month! Their stock sells out fast, so you'd better hurry!"

All the students are going crazy trying to get some food.

One of the Heartslabyul Students happily says, "Gimme three of those chocolate croissants!"

Another Heartslabyul Student cheers, "Woo-hoo, I actually snagged an egg sandwich this month! These things are AMAZING!

Then the Cafeteria Ghost says, "Egg sandwiches are now sold out! Only one deluxe ham and cheese left!"

Seeing what is going on, have the group of friends interested.

Ace is excited about it himself, "Oh, man, everything looks amazing. I'm gonna see if I can grab somethin'."

"Me too," Jasper says.

"I'll grab myself something as well," Tanzanite says.

Wow, they really do seem popular! Briar," Deuce says.

"They sure do," Briar replies.

Sereia then asks, "can we get something too?"

"Sure. We better do it before the food is gone," Briar says.

Then Deuce turns his head and looks down, "Grim, what do you- Huh?"

Briar and the others look around to notice one member of the group is missing.

"Where did Grim go?!" Sereia asks.

Then Briar grows worried, "I got a bad feeling about this."

Suddenly, they hear Grim's voice shouting, "Hey! Outta my way, losers! That grilled cheese is mine!"

Briar and the groups become shocked in disbelief. They see Grim is already at the stand and taking any food he can while cutting in front of everyone else.

One of the Heartslabyul Students angrily shouts, "Hey, no cutting!"

The Heartslabyul Student next to him angrily says, "A freshman, cutting in front of an upperclassman?! Time to teach you some manners."

Seeing this, Briar and the others know that this could lead to trouble.

"Oh no," Tanzanite says, upset.

Jasper groans in disbelief, "Not again."

"He's got such a one-track mind when it comes to food!" Deuce says.

"I agree," Sereia says.

Ace lets out a sigh.

Briar sighs as well, "Come on let's go stop him before he gets us into any trouble, again."

And so the group rush to the scene to stop Angel before he gets them into trouble, again. Grim continues laughing with a big grin on his face and is grabbing all kinds of food left and right, making plenty of the students upset with him.

Just then, Jasper and Tanzanite grab Grim and take the tray of food he has. Sereia, Ace, and Deuce take the food Grim has.

Briar turns to the students and says, "I am so sorry about him. He's really out of control when it comes to food."

"What?! I just like to have something to eat!" Grim shouts.

"Enough to get ourselves into trouble?" Tanzanite questions.

"What kind of trouble will I get us in?"Grim asks with his arms crossed.

Jasper says, "Saving your neck trouble."

Briar says to the student, "I'll help you pay for your lunch as an apology."

Trinket replies with a nod.

The two students agree, but only if they keep Grim out of line. Jasper and Tanzanite hold Grim and refuse to let him escape.

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