night one

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"so what do you do for a living" alex says, helping me unpack the last of my clothes. the other girl arrived a couple of hours ago, her name is megan but we didn't really see much of her, she just disappeared into her room and that was it.

"i kinda do modelling and photography, stuff like that" i explain to her, putting one of my t shirts onto a coat hanger. "yeah i kinda expected you to be a model" she tells me, meeting my eyes and smiling.

"why" i question.

"why! because your absolutely gorgeous" she exclaims making me smile. "thank you" i tell her, finishing up the last few t shirts.

"it's starting to seem a bit more you in here" she says looking around my bedroom. i grab a few photos out of my bag and start putting them on the walls. a mixture of my own photography, my friends, family, film photos everything that reminds me of back in miami.

"can i look?" alex asks, pointing to a book of my film camera photos on the desk. i nod at her and smile, watching as she goes through the pages.
"these are beautiful" she says admiring every photo.

"who's this?" she asks, pointing to a picture of me and somebody else. "oh that's my old best friend, we don't talk anymore. she unfortunately slept with my ex. we had been friends since we were 3" i explain to her, seeing her furrow her eyebrows.

"what a bitch" alex says, making me laugh at how unexpected it was.

"honey i'm home!" i hear from towards the living room. alex shoots up with a huge smile on her face and runs out of my bedroom in a flash. i take a deep breath and make my way slowly into the living room, seeing alex hugging a girl tightly. they pull away from each other and jump up and down squealing in excitement.

"oh cari this is one of our room mates, emilia" alex says, turning her attention to me after they have their little bonding moment. she looks at me and instantly smiles, dimples on her cheeks, dressed in a vintage t shirt and some blue jeans.

"nice to meet you emilia" she says, coming closer to me and giving me a small hug. i watch as she fixes her half brown and blonde hair. damn she's fucking beautiful. "are the other girls here?" she asks.

"yeah" i tell her.
"do they come out of their rooms?" she asks with a grin and i shake my head.
"not really" i say and she laughs.

"guess it's just the three of us then" she says, sitting down on the sofa motioning for me and alex to join her. i take a seat on her left while alex goes to the other side of her.

"hey alex you failed to tell me that my new room mate is fucking hot" she says, looking from her best-friend to me. i bite my lip trying to hide the fact that my cheeks are about to turn bright red. "she's a model" alex explains. cari's eyes scan my body up and down, "i know".

just as she is about to say something again, we are interrupted by one of the girls megan walking into the kitchen, looking at us. "oh your that singer" she says, grabbing a bottle of water and some snacks.

"and you are?" cari asks her eyebrows frowned at the girls rude introduction. "megan, anyway i'm going to bed" she says, walking away.

"it's literally like 9pm" cari says but she shrugs her shoulders and disappears into her room. alex and i look at each other and burst out laughing, cari still looking confused to what the hell just happened. "when she first arrived she didn't say a word to us, she just did some random little nod and disappeared" i explain, alex still laughing hysterically.

"how about the other girl is she normal?" cari asks, turning her head to me, her brown eyes meeting my green ones. "she seems ok, i think ish kinda just a shock to them moving in with a load of strangers" i tell her.

"but like, you don't know anyone and you seem fine" she says, alex nodding in agreement.

"i dunno, anyway, i'm not being weird but i'm going to go and sort my stuff out and go to bed because it's been a long day" i say, standing up from the sofa and grabbing my phone from beside cari.

"that's ok, sleep well, and if you need anything you know where we are" cari tells me, her lips formed into a smile.

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