Partayyy 🎉

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Duncans POV

I'm driving to Noahs place, for the party. Im in the car with Dj, as we're driving down the road, Dj points something out.
"Hey, Duncan! Pull over!"
I pulled over immediately, "Whats up Deej?"
"Isnt that Cody, by the bus stop?"
I looked through Dj's window on the other side, only to see Cody hopping off a bus.

"Hey! Cody!" I shout.
He turns to look for who shouted him, it took him a fair few seconds to locate the sound. He crosses the road to the side my car was on, and rested his arms on the open window on my side.

"Hey, Duncan," he said miserably.
"Hey, Cody, thought u were at ya parents?" I ask.
"Well I was."
He seemed like he didnt feel like speaking, so I didnt force it.

"Hop in the back, I'll give you a lift to Noah's, we're going there anyway."
"Thanks Duncan."

He jumps in the back, its silent for a few minutes until he asked me why I was going to noahs.
"Think hes high, geoffs threw a party at the house because he was there smoking with him."

We pulled up at the mansion, parked in the garage, (which Im allowed to do,) and knocked on the door.

Music was blasting already, but that was only because they were all high.

Noahs POV

My door knocks, luckily I was just coming from the bathroom or else I wouldnt have heard the door. I open it to see Duncan and Dj, then someone else I wasnt expecting.
"Hey, Codes," I slur, trying my best not to sound high as fuck.
"Hi, Noah. And I know your high so dont bother please."

I could tell he was upset. I gave them room to come in, then closed the door behind them.
"You even have any drink?" Duncan asked.
"Ye, tons, got a fridge full. Help yourself."

I tapped Cody on the shoulder in the passage, he turned to me, and I beckoned him upstairs.

I opened the bedroom door for him, and he walked through and sat straight on the bed. I closed the door behind me and began.
"Hey there Co...Cod...Cody! Whats up kid?" I slurred.

Codys POV

I had a horrible time at my parents, and I was really looking forward to coming home to be comforted by Noah. And hes fucking high and drunk. Oh well. Maybe a drinks what I need for tonight anyway.

"Dont worry Noah, I'm fine! Lets talk tomorrow, and party tonight," I smiled.

"After one thing," Noah said quietly.
Oh Noah does that very sexy voice when hes turned on, and it makes me wanna scream! I like it because I know whenever he uses it I know why.

Noah climbed onto my lap, and put his lips aggressively against mine, pushing me carefully down onto the bed. Then he got up. He does it all the time and it teases me sooo much. He'll get me turned on and then he stops!

"Let's go, babe."

No ones POV

By the time Noah and Cody made their way downstairs, a couple more people had let themselves in. Such as Bridgette, Izzy, Courtney, Heather, Gwen, Trent and Justin. Lindsay came last.

It must've gotten to about only 9:00pm when Geoff fell asleep on the settee. Bad choice. Little did Geoff know when he woke up he will be almost fully naked covered in sharpie.

The party went on for a couple more hours, and everyone was mortal. Geoff woke up, still smashed, with no clue why he was naked or drawn on.
"Woahhh! Whose glasses am I wearing?" Geoff laughed, with no clue that they were in fact, not real glasses.

Nothing too exciting happened. At first. Poor Dj walked in on some... explicit stuff. It was bad enough... the first time. First he tried to go to the bathroom, and caught Noah. Luckily, Noah was on his own. Doing something... strange.

What Dj seen (Djs POV)

Man this place is huge! Ive been looking for the bathroom for about ten minutes! This place is massive, so surely, there should be atleast two bathrooms. If not more. Noah's disappeared off somewhere, so I cant even ask him. Ive opened every closed door. Apart from that one.

I speed walked to the door, it must be the right one, its the only one ive not left open. I reached for the door handle, but I stopped for a second. Can I head groaning? No! Of course I cant im just overthinking. Or was I. I opened the door to someone in the bathroom already. But he was doing something. He had his hand... somewhere.

"Woah! I'm sorry!" I said closing the door.

Noahs POV

OMG. I AM GONNA CRY. I didnt want anyone to walk in whilst I was... you know.. but especially not Dj! Aw I hope I havent traumatised him. I pulled my hand out my pants and sprinted out of the bathroom.

I yelled for Dj but he must have ran back downstairs. Fuck im embarrassed.

Back to the party (no ones POV)

It was 11:00pm, and half the party was asleep, everyone must have just been tired. There was one huge corner sofa in the living room, and then two smaller sofas. On the corner sofa, lay Leshawna, on her own. She was covered by a thin, fluffy, grey blanket. On the other side of the corner sofa, lay Noah and Cody. They were holding each other close, with another fluffy grey cover draped over them. The others had just found a spot on the floor. It was uncomfortable, but most of them were to drunk to notice.

Dj didnt drink too much, and he was the last one awake, on one of the smaller settees, with a flat out Duncan cuddled up to him. Dj struggled to reach the remote without waking up his boyfriend, once he grabbed it, he switched off the telly. He put the tv remote on the floor next to the settee, and put his arms softly around his boyfriend and drifted off to sleep.

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