Chapter 1 - A Brand New Word

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Wetness was the first thing he felt, when He woke up. Wetness and a lot of pain. He wasn't able to move for some, but when He finally got to open his eyes, treetops were the first thing he saw. Between them the clear sky shine through. There was not one sign of any clouds in the sky.

He took some more deep breaths. It hurt like a bitch. He thought about it for a while before he decided that he should try to get himself up. Slowly, he started to sit up in the small pond He landed in. The pain seemed to go away a little but he was still feeling a bit dizzy and weak. After a few moments he managed to push himself up from the ground with a little effort. He looked around a bit trying to find something or someone to lean on or help him stand.

He took a deep breath and immediatly flinched when a sharp pain Shot through his rips. He was in some forest and didn't really know what was happening right now. What was He going to do? He sighed and continued to Look around, when He noticed His backpack not far from him. With a slight groan he made his way over through the water. Once He reached his bag He picked it up and slowly walked out of the pond. He put the bag next to him and sat down.
"Now I have no idea where I am." He thought to himself quietly "What if this is just all a dream?" he continued "Maybe I just hit my head when, my parents Portal went haywire...?" He shook his head slightly. Even if this was a dream, He wouldn't benefit at all from just sitting around. He grabbed his backpack and opened it. "Let's see what the put in Here." He muttered as he emptied the backpack in the ground in front of him.

He had a notebook, some pens, two bottles of water, something's to eat, a spare phone, some clothes, a sleeping bag and some smaller items, such as an powerbank and a charger, a knife and a First aid kit. He hummed quietly and put the stuff back. Except for the knife and a compass. He kept them outside, stood up und picked up his backpack before looking around a little.

Only now he realized, that the trees were huge, bigger than any he had seen back home. He heard a loud buzzing near him, and soon a huge shadow was cast over him. He slowly looked up to see a giant bee howering over him, letting out a deep, Dangerous Buzz. "You've got to be kidding me." He simply said with a tired look on his face. The bee extended it's sting and seemed to glare at him, before attacking him.

Yn let out a high pitched yelp and barely managed to duck under it, dodging the bee by only a few inches. He quickly stood up straight again and turned to look at the bee, which stopped in front of a tree, turned around and glared at Yn.

"I'm, uh, I gotta go now." Yn said, quickly turned and ran away. The bee quickly followed after him. He began to scream, when he heard the bee coming closer. He dodgen branches and jumped over bushes, while the bee just broke through tjem. He had to somehow run faster. But then He tripped over a root, sticking out of the ground. He fell forwards and tumbled down a hill. When he crashed into the ground, he laid there for a second, until he saw the bee looming over him.

He screamed in Horror, got up and quickly continued running. The bee, which wanted to sting him, got stuck in the dirt, allowing Yn to get a headstart. He continued to run through the forest, until he saw a huge tree, with a hole, he could slip in. And that's what He did. He ran towards the tree, and threw himself into that hole, pressing himself against the wood as the bee flew past.

"That's convenient." He said breathlessly as he peaked out slightly, to see the bee, still flying nearby, looking for him. He quickly moved back into the hole and took some deep breaths. He put his hand in his chest as his breathing finally calmed down after a few, painfully long moments.

"Where the fuck am I?" He finally asked himself, putting his Backpack next to him and sitting down again. With a sigh he pulled out something to eat - some dried meat - and bit off a piece, before getting back to his question, trying to piece together what happened in the last hours. For that He pulled out his Notebook and pen.

"So, I came home, ate with my parents and then I went to test their portal with them..", he muttered, his mouth full with dried meat, as he wrote it down. "Then the Portal went haywire and I" He put a period at the end of His sentence and put the notebook down, looking outside his hideout. Shortly after he continued to write into his notebook. "I can breathe normally here, so the air has to be like on earth...Maybe the oxygen conzentration is a little higher, judging by the ginormous bee outside.." And then He put a drawing of the bee on that page, while finishin His piece of dried meat.

He nodded to himself, put the notebook back again and pulled out one of the water bottles. He took one sip and put it back. He closed his backpack up and leaned back with a deep sigh, still hearing the buzzing of the bee outside, though it was way more distant than a few minutes ago.

He closed his eyes for a moment and opened them again, when he didn't hear the buzzing anymore. The only sound he now heard was the rustling of the leaves moving in the wind, and the chirping of crickets. And he was sure that he didn't want to meet them.

He crawled out of his hideout and stood up, looking around a little as he out his hands to his hips. He looked back at his tree-cave and hummed. "I guess this'll be the place I stay. For today atleast." He nodded and moved back inside, sitting down on the ground. Swiftly He grabbed his backpack and pulled out his sleeping bag, putting it on the ground. He Put his bag to the head end of the sleeping bag and sat down on it. That's when he got an idea. "Maybe..." He mumbled and swiftly grabbed the phone from his backpack and hopefully turned it on. The moment his screen lit up, his eyes immediatly darted up up to the corner of the screen. He sighed. Of course, he had no signal here. He turned the phone off and dropped backwards onto his sleeping bag. He put his arms under his head and stared up at the 'ceiling' of the tree-cave. He knew what he had to do here. Two things, to be exact; find out what this place is and get back home.

But that had to wait, until tomorrow. Because for now, he was to tired to do anything.

Waking up in a pond and running from a giant bee, really took a toll on him. With an actually, weirdly gappy sigh he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Yeah, Well. Here's Chapter one, but only because Knock, Knock, Knocking on Hootys Door Part 2 is already, almost done. So I figured, that I could throw in a little Update for this one already, haha.

But I want to have a proper schedule for this one as well - probably one day a week - so please tell me which day you think would be the best.

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