Chapter 3

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It was morning and Ellie woke up, went to the bathroom to wash her face and then back to her room to put on her makeup. Then she went to choose an outfit, she thought for a long time about what to choose, but in the end she chose a red tight dress. She went upstairs and saw her mom making her breakfast, as soon as Yolanda saw Ellie she started talking about how much she loved her fit. 5 minutes passed and Ellie was already eating an egg omelet with pieces of corn in it, yum, she loved these breakfasts so much. When she finished eating, she and her mom headed to the car so they could go to Piper's. Ellie thought on the way, and at the same time she was a little worried that things would be a little awkward between her and Piper after yesterday...but she still hoped that it would be okay. They arrived there and both went on. Well, as usual they were there first😅 Emily, Lev and Jentzen always take their time. Yolanda got coffee and chatted with Tiffany and Ellie went upstairs to check on Piper. Although Ellie knocked, Piper didn't hear anything, so she looked for hers and Ellie went inside. And now! Now there was such an awkward moment. Piper was just getting dressed...and since she was only in her underwear so far, you could say that Ellie saw her naked from above🫢. Of course, Ellie immediately turned around and apologized. Piper: "its okay... you just scared me a little", she giggled, "what if it was Lev or Jentzen😅". Piper changed her clothes and went to clean her make-up table. Elliana sat on her bed and looked at the tiktoks she saved on tiktok. Then she saw a funny video and started laughing a lot, so she wanted to show it to Piper. She turned the phone in her direction and didn't notice that as she turned it, she accidentally swiped her finger across the screen and a completely different video started playing than she wanted it to play. On that video was written: "how to kiss your best friend". Piper read it and just said: "erm😅 surely this is what you wanted to show me?". Ellie stopped and looked at what was there...,,ha ha, well, I don't know what it's doing there". "You sure don't know?" Piper asked. "well, I do-" Piper cut Elliana off by kissing her. Ellie just looked at her lovingly, smiled and started kissing Piper. Their kissing went from slow to faster and more passionate...but suddenly they heard something. Piper: ,,Oh noo, Emily's going up. So, let's just pretend we're talking"... ,,and by the way, you look so hot in that dress" she added. Emily walked in the door and saw Ellie and Piper sitting on the bed, she frowned suspiciously and asked the girls how they were doing and what their plans were for today. Elliana and Piper were relieved that she hadn't detected anything and answered her normally. It wasn't that they wanted to hide it from Emily, but they didn't want ANYONE to know just yet. Emily told the girls that she was filming a vlog today, so if they could shoot some footage now. The girls nodded and started shooting. After about an hour, Lev and Jentzen had already arrived, so Emily wanted to film something with them as well. So they went to the kitchen and sat down there. Emily decided to try a lifehack with the boys that she saw on tiktok. While they were trying it on, Elliana and Piper unknowingly appeared in the shot. They were on the terrace and as the glass was darkened from the outside, it was impossible to see that anyone was in the kitchen. And Emily and the boys were sitting with their backs to the terrace, so they couldn't see them either, but watch out! The camera saw everything...the next day when Emily was editing the video, she noticed Piper and Ellie. She saw them holding hands and taking a photo of them kissing. Emily was taken aback and immediately called Piper...




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