'chapter 4'

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Y/n Woostop screaming, no one will hear you anyway

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Y/n Woo
stop screaming, no one will hear you anyway.


Ever since that day, Junhyeong did get what he deserved, and so did any other student that was closely associated with the death of Daehyeon. But even so, you hoped the victim's family will finally get the closure they deserved. 

Then, out came online articles and news headlines as the TRPA had finally made its debut to the public. Smartly dressed, Hwajin took the stage (podium) as he explained in full detail of what the case was about. As an accomplice, you stood near the back...call it moral support if you will. However, even if what you as the TRPA is doing may be on the right path, it doesn't mean you could satisfy the whole of Korea. 

After hours of press conferencing, you followed Hwajin back to the carpark in complete silence. Even until you reached the passenger side of the car, nothing was said between the two. Even on the road, nothing was said. 

Because sometimes, silence was the best option.


You knew who Gayoon was. You knew what Gayoon meant to Hwajin. And you knew how Gayoon was like based on how Hwajin described. But what a bummer, you never met this Gayoon you knew at heart.

Similarly, Hwajin knew who Jinwoo was. Hwajin knew what Jinwoo meant to you. And he knew how Jinwoo was like based on your vague description. But what a bummer, Hwajin never got to meet this Jinwoo he seemed to know by heart.

Don't these two seem so familiar? Not really. At least for Hwajin, he had a place to visit her whenever he wants. Because unlike Gayoon, Jinwoo did not have a proper grave, nor a proper burial...heck, the boy is still missing. 

Sometimes, there was that small glimmer of hope that lingered in you. Hope that Jinwoo is out there, still alive and well, waiting for you. Then it all crashes down when you realise what kind of people at the White Room were. 

You will never meet Jinwoo again.


Standing a distance away from Hwajin and Gangseok (you like to call him "old man" just out of spite), you looked away from the two, kicking dirt and pebbles around as you stared at your shoes, finding them much more interesting than the two men giving their respects for Gayoon.

Maybe you were slightly envious. Maybe that was why you couldn't bear to even step near a graveyard.

It was all the White Room's fault. How could they let you run away without looking back. How could they not stop you so you could go back for Jinwoo. How could they let you live with the guilt? Because of them- No. Because of your selfishness, you could no longer see Jinwoo, or hear him, or touch him.

'Jinwoo, I'll find you someday' Lost in your own thoughts, stared down at the luscious green grass right below you. It was as if time had stopped, you didn't know how long you were there, or since when Gangseok had left. 

𝙨𝙝𝙚'𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙡 - True EducationWhere stories live. Discover now