Chapter Thirty-five

Start from the beginning

"It's my pleasure to have taken your first, Angelique," he claimed, honestly.

"Guil...." She peeked at his face before hesitantly removing her hands. She tried to move closer to him but winced.

"Oww....." Her left hand went to her stomach.

Her short whimper of pain made concern flash across his lavender eyes. He reached out to her swiftly. "Are you hurt?"

" . .My stomach hurts when I try to move." I think I also feel weakness in my legs. It hurts if I try to move much.

"I apologise. I must have been carried away." She didn't want to hear him apologise when he didn't do anything wrong.

"No. It's not your fault, Guil." She shook her head. "I got carried away as well..."

At first when they were making love, it hurt a lot. So much that tears kept falling from her eyes. Guiltia patiently tried to ease her pain and after the pain had subsided, waves of indescribable pleasure had hit them, making them lose themselves in it.

Guiltia lightly pressed a kiss on her forehead. "You must be tired even now. Rest longer."

It was true that she felt worn out from their night activities. Now that her head was resting on his shoulder and his arm was holding her close, she felt the fatigue hit her again. Maybe she should sleep for a tiny bit longer.

The young woman rested one hand around him and the other over her chest, hiding her body with the blanket. Before she knew it, she had drifted off to a deep slumber.

.  . .  . . .  .

"I think it's nice to perform without using the Scarlet moon's powers once in a while," Guiltia commented.

"Hm?" Angelique shifted her attention from the screen, where Eve and Robin were being shown, to the man fixing his gloves.

"Why do you say so?" She inquired.

"Lives like this makes us feel closer to our fans." Guiltia had a satisfied smile while he watched the audience laugh at something Robin said.

The female nodded thoughtfully. "That's true..."

"Well, it's difficult to activate the powers of the prison when we're away from the Scarlet Moon. But it's a welcoming change of pace."

"Mhmm." She smiled. "I'm sure the fans also think so."

The two continued to watch Eve and Robin's interactions during the talk show part of their live. Since Ange was on standby to appear on the stage for his solo, they were left alone in the green room.

"Isn't it time for you to go on standby? Their segment is about to end," she reminded.

"I should." By the time Guiltia had just stood up and grabbed his jacket, Angelique was in front of him, softly clutching his hands before he could move. Guiltia huffed in fond exasperation. "I can do that myself, you know."

Angelique had her reply ready. "All of you are doing your very best out on stage. This is the very least I can do to assist you."

She grinned brightly. "Besides, I'm better at doing the buttons. It's a woman's thing."

At that, the vampire couldn't disagree and silently watched her skilfully button up his jacket. When she lifted her face to look into his eyes, he found himself becoming a captive of her loving smile.

"Good luck on your solo! I'll be watching you very intensely!" She tried not to let her fangirl self surface.

Despite her efforts, her composure broke when his gloved hand rested on her cheek. Guiltia leaned down until his face was right in front of her.

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