Chapter Thirty-five

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Despite staying up late, Guiltia woke up at his usual time. However, instead of getting up from his bed, he opted to bathe in the afterglow of the previous night.

He had woken up, completely rejuvenated and blissfully. When he turned to his side, he found his sweet angel sleeping soundly beside him. She was out like a feather.

Angelique was asleep while facing him and clutching the blanket over her chest. Smiling weakly, he removed the strands of her raven hair from in front of her face. Without making a noise, the male continued admiring the serene display in front of him.

There were still traces of their passionate night on her skin. The first hickey he had left on her was still evident on the crook of her neck. While he had marked her as his several times, some of the marks had disappeared from her glowing skin.

There were still red love bites present on her nape, her shoulder blades, below her collarbone and he was sure some of the marks he had left on her skin, currently being hidden by the blanket, were still evident. Guiltia wondered to himself if all those love bites were too much for her.

But she hadn't reacted negatively to any of his touches or his kisses. Her expressions and sensitive reactions had kept seducing him further in the night.

While staring at her angelic face, Guiltia recalled the events of last night. The moment they became one, the way her body reacted to his every subtle touch, how his name had been slipping from her lips so easily, how her knuckles had gone white while she gripped the bedsheet with every strength and how their bodies and hearts had mingled together.

Guiltia brought her left hand to his mouth and planted a feathery kiss on the back of it. Angelique was making him feel so many unknown emotions he never thought he would feel. This happiness he was feeling just by being beside her. . . he will be sure to protect it.

For a moment, he tenderly brushed his knuckles against her cheek.

"Mm..." She let out in her sleep.

While his fingers brushed through her long hair, he watched her sleep contently under his touch. As he continued to do that, Angelique sleepily opened her eyes.

". . . Guil?" She whispered.

"Are you awake?" His husky voice made her heart tremble.

"Mm." She had to stifle her yawn while nodding. Her heart thumped seeing his gorgeous smile. How does he manage to look so handsome after waking up?

...! Suddenly, Angelique's eyes caught a glimpse of his bare chest. The bedsheet was only covering from his stomach, thus leaving his chest and arms exposed.

Now that she realised, she was naked under the blanket as well. Eek! The sudden realisation compelled her to bring the blanket over her shoulder while gripping it tightly.

I-I-I remember now... W-We slept together last night... Flashes of memories from the previous night flooded her mind.

Guiltia's hands travelling all over her body, his lips nibbling at her skin, how he kept kissing her gently to get her mind off of the pain, the way he kissed her tears away, the never before felt ecstasy clouding her mind- the thought of all these memories caused her skin to flush into a rosy colour.

She immediately covered her face with her hands. Stop thinking about it!! Her thoughts were evident to Guiltia, thanks to her readable expression.

Finding her bashfulness cute, the man moved closer to her and put his right arm around her waist. He felt her twitch when he touched her sensitive skin.

The human girl (Visual Prison)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz